Sexy Friday, you know what day it is today edition

So, today is September 11 and we all know what happened on that day. No need to discuss further. Instead, we are going to focus on hot and sexy soccer girls and figure out if you can spot the hidden theme. To make it more interesting, I challenge everyone to identify

Vital Contest Information! READ THIS NOW!

Have you ever wanted to own a gently-used Fleshlight? Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have a gently-used Fleshlight displayed prominently on your mantle above the kids' Christmas stockings knowing that YOU WON IT?!? Well, wonder no more! We have three exciting contests for you

Sexy Friday, end of August 2020 edition

This week I am continuing to feature sassy n sexy soccer ladies! Can you spot the hidden theme? It's not just that these are all fútbol fans. There's a little more to it than that. I'll also be continuing to showcase awesome songs except this time there is a twist. Let's get right

Eventual Balls Thoughts XXVIII

Eventual Balls Thoughts is BACK, BABY! Well done to both Gumbygirl and Litre_cola (who correctly guessed without bothering to check to see if anyone else like Gumbygirl had already guessed it) who correctly guessed that the Sexy Friday theme was ladies who were wearing jerseys of Italian teams. Today, as an intro,

Sexy Friday, what day is it today? edition

It's not often that special days like wedding anniversaries, first date anniversaries, and anniversaries of the first time you had anal sex with your significant other (Your analversary, if you will) fall on a weekend . Let alone Sexy Friday! Therefore, this week I am celebrating a special day in

Sexy Friday, It’s August 2020! edition

We are back and Tik Tok has not been shut down yet! For now. Anyway, how has everyone been? Didya enjoy the AFL Sexy Friday? /crickets Oh hush. Ok, let's get right to it. *** Today, I will be showing you Tik Tok girls that have something in common, but I won't tell