Good day to you! It's the final day of The Europa League so let’s do the laziest preview possible preview of the final day. We have 36 teams all grouped together for 8 games in some random fashion and the top 24 move on to the next round where the
Your Sunday Night Football Open Thread
Great Expectations Eagles 2024 Preview
Oh Boy! This guy again?
Random Night Open Thread – for a rainy day
Saturday Late Night Open Thread – Tropical Storm! Edition
It's all the Democrats' fault, of course. Los Ángeles has been cruising along for over 80 years with nothing more than an atmospheric river every once in a while and then HILARY comes along and ruins everything. Wake up, sheeple! As of Saturday morning, Hurricane HILARY is a category 3 hurricane off
Saturday Night Open Thread – Preseason Football Starts! Edition
Saturday Night Open Thread – All Good Things Come To An End Edition
As much as some of you liberals around here are glued to your phones reading about the latest indictment of Trump while masturbating furiously, I have been enthralled by the latest round of college football realignment. Many have decried it as a sign that greed ruins everything and tradition doesn't
Saturday Night Open Thread – okay seriously, this needs to stop Edition
It happened again. I'm sitting here enjoying a nice little Saturday, perusing Hippo's Morning Thread and I AGAIN think, "I wonder what our wonderful writers have cooked up for tonight's Open Thread." Then I realize AGAIN, "Oh fuck. I'M supposed to be writing it!" To my credit, I've been busy today. I
Saturday Night Open Thread – What Day Is It? Edition
Sunday Night Open Thread – Gold Cup Final Edition
Saturday Night Open Thread – The Spain WWC Preview Edition
I am writing this only two hours before post time which I should be commended for. That's improvement, people! The reason I wanted to include the Spain preview in tonight's Open Thread is because: It helps with the word count. I don't know much about the Spanish Women's National Team. The Women's World Cup