NFL News: Ravens owner Steve Biscotti (pictured right) reached out to people like Ray Lewis to garner possible reactions to the potential signing of Colin Kaepernick. Because Ray Lewis might've helped kill a guy, but Ravens fans DO NOT FORGIVE taking a knee during a ceremonial part of a sporting contest.
NFL News
Your “Daylight Upon The Horizon” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Your “Blah Blah Blah…We Can’t Hear You” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
Your “Oops, Our Bad” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
Your “What’s Old Is New Again” Monday Evening Open Thread
Your “Classic Nordberg” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Your “Whoops – Forgot There’s A Nooner Today” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
NFL News: The Panthers hired former GM Marty Hurney as their new interim GM until they can sort out the mess they've created as a distraction for their forthcoming 6-10 season. The Lions are taking down their playoff participant banners, choosing to only leave reminders of division titles & such. (Ron
Your “Wait – What’s That On The Horizon?!” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
The wait is almost over! Five teams - the Ravens, Bears, Cowboys, Jaguars, and Saints - all open training camps tomorrow. It's just first-year players, but it still means the season is approaching. The Cowboys & Cardinals have veterans report by the weekend, because Hall of Fame Game. Oh, and the stadium might