Your “Mile High Club” Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm traveling again this week.  This time Dave is staying home and I'm traveling by plane.  Again. Lucky Dave.  He gets to sit there in that comfy garage, all nice and warm, and not do any work.  Again. But I digress.... I have come to hate flying.  Why?  Well listen to Jim.... We're not

Your “We’re All Just A Bunch Of Merry Ho Ho Ho’s” Friday Evening Open Thread

Some Biznessings DFO is going to re-start the infamous "Mailbag" type of thing.  BrettFavresColonoscopy is the point man, but it seems a lot of us might be manning the wheel from week to week.  It's still taking form. But if you have a burning question, if you have some life issue you

Your “Tee Vee and Me” Friday Evening Open Thread

Hey....HEY!!!!!  Remember when I did this last year on Friday the 13th????  Well, it's that time again because today is Friday the... Ummmmm.....what's that Brocky ?  Really?  Well shit.... Now I'm totes disappoint. Well here anyway...for the assist, you get some gloves... /heads to store to buy a new calendar - A Child Of Television You older

Your “Let’s Get Stuffed” Friday Evening Open Thread

I've been in a weird mood lately.  Lotsa reasons for that, I suppose.  No need to go into all of them.  Or even any of them, actually. But my point is that this week's theme is well....ummmm.... Weird.... I have no idea why the idea for this week's theme popped into my head

Your “Well I Guess That’s Music Allegedly #2” Friday Evening Open Thread

Nearly a year ago I threatened to do this occasionally. And by "this" I mean thrill all of you with my horrible taste in music.  And the sexiness therein.  Well, it took me nearly a year to get back to it, but here we are. Well I Guess That's Music Allegedly

Your “Bad Medicine” Friday Evening Open Thread

Fair warning, I have no idea what to write about this week.  So I'm not even going to try. I've been burning the candle at both ends for the past several months in a lot of ways.  Much too much, actually. Now more recently, between excessive traveling, lack of sleep, dealing with

tWBS’ Adventures In The Swamp – Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm in Florida this week visiting a friend.  And aside from the reason I'm here, which is the aforementioned friend, which admittedly has been very nice and a lot fun... Well, that part aside... Simply stated, Florida is a shithole. I DROVE 12 HOURS FOR THIS???? Full disclosure, I hadn't been in the State

Your Decidedly Unsexy But Historically Accurate Friday Evening Open Thread

O HAI! It's your old pal Beerguyrob, and I've asked Seamus if I could host tonight's Friday soiree, since I have a particular interest in the date. He was a surprisingly tough negotiator, because Fridays are near & dear to his heart. But after sweetening the offer once or twice, I was able to

Your “Keep On Truckin'” Friday Evening Open Thread

I have no idea what to talk about, so I'm just going to talk about the good things which happened this week, because I've been an insufferable prick the past few weeks (trust me, I know that), and have been bitching about everything.  Sooooooooo.... First and foremost.... DAVE IS HOME!!!!!!!!! He was kidnapped

Your “Don’t Scare Me…I Poop Easily” Friday Evening Open Thread

No, I'm not in any better mood this week than I was last week.  In fact, frankly, it's worse.  Nor am I planning to tell you about it. But God, this is me tWBS.... It would really help things out, and speed things along, if you'd open up a gigantic sinkhole and

Your “I Scream, You Scream….Wait, WHY ARE WE SCREAMING????” Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm not gonna sugarcoat this.  I've had a really bad week.  From many different fronts. Frankly, I'm pissed off at the world and just about everyone in it.  And I'm not in the mood to talk about it. So at the very least, you're not gonna have to read my ramblings this

Your “Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You” Friday Evening Open Thread

I've been away for a coupla weeks.  Yet I still really don't know what to talk about this week. I'm writing this early because there's another hurricane 'gon roll up this way. And I fully expect to lose electricity, internet and phone.  Again.  The last of which might be a blessing, actually. I