Sexy Friday – 20230519

TGIF! Couple of great news items from this week: 1) There will be no more forced releasing of a certain sea creature here for several months. 2) Your famous weekly advice column will continue despite the temporary cessation of regular sea creature releasing. But enough of that, let's get ready

Sexy Friday – 20230512

TGIF! Hope everyone has taken the time to peruse your team's schedule and count those wins and losses. Just kidding, there's still real playoffs happening right now. Survival - Personal Edition Well now you've done it. Done what exactly? Who knows? Ok, well your partner does and they're not happy. Let's work

Sexy Friday – 20230505

TGIF! Happy Cinco De Mayo to all who celebrate. We're still up to our eyeballs in the hardwood and ice playoffs, so let's get to it. Survival - Personal Edition Now that pandemic is officially over - under 100 deaths per day lately - our capitalist pig overlords are bringing everyone back

Sexy Friday – 20230428

TGIF! Let's get right to it because I need a nap before this evening's game. Survival - Personal Edition Speaking of which, occasionally a hockey puck will exit the rink over the dashers and into the crowd. About a month ago, one whistled right by my head and hit a seat right

Sexy Friday – 20230421

TGIF! Can't lie, I am properly tuckered out. Mainlining ice playoffs has really disrupted my sleep. And I still have two (2) games to attend in person tomorrow and Monday and they are must-SEA! There will be lots of releasing going on. But enough about me, this is about us! Survival