THUD…Tuesday Open Thread

REMINDER: This year, we've chosen to open up Team Previews for audience participation. We've had several brave volunteers, but the following are still available: C-Hox Giants Tampa Bay Panthers Falcons So if you'd like to try your hand, reach out to me at [email protected] and we'll get you set up. NFL NEWS -COMMANDERS CHAOS: Whelp, just in case

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: “This is a Woodlawn-bound 4 Train.” Ah, yes, summer in the big city. The subway stations are oppressively hot (dear god, Herald Square in summer), the Mister Softee trucks have been pushed out by bootlegs (like New York Soft Serve), and the Canada wildfire smoke has (mostly) subsided! We hope. It's that time, because they don't yearly

Long Time Gone…Tuesday Open Thread

TRAINING CAMP DAY! TRAINING CAMP DAY! WOOOOOOO OK, so it's only rookies (and only nine teams) but FOOTBALL IS IMMINENT! We finally have some Movement in the corpse of the NFL offseason. Perhaps it's just maggots and the buildup of gasses during putrefaction, but hey! I'll take what I can get. NFL NEWS FRANCHISE