Banner image courtesy of: Howdy folks! I feel it is my responsibility to remind everyone, well us U.S. residing folks anyway, that Thanksgiving is Thursday. Like, next fucking Thursday. As in 5 goddamn days Thursday. And you haven't even been to the grocery store yet have you? HAVE YOU!?! What are you thinking? That can
Tag: Open Threads
Your “What Day Is It Today?” Open Thread
“Dingers, Dingers!” Your Monday Evening HR Derby/ANW Open Thread
Your “Wow, There’s Legitimately Nothing Going On… Or Is There?” Sunday Open Thread
Your “Back to reality, but at least it’s” Wednesday Open Thread
Oscar Preview 2017: Ya Betta Act, Someboday (or, Open Thread)
Your “At Least We Have Each Other?” Monday Evening Open Thread
Greetings. Beerguyrob's away for some Canadian holiday (wait, it's not Canada or Victoria Day… Family Day? That's a thing? Damn it Canada, you make it so easy to make jokes!). So it's up to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (man, I wish) me. Sorry about that. And now, the news! NFL News • The Giants released
Your “+1” Sunday Night Open Thread
Open thread? Why the f**k not?
It’s Hall of Fame Weekend! Your Saturday Early Thread
Greetings from a smoke tinged L.A. County! Yeah, there's another big goddamn fire burning north of here. It's a strange colored sky, overcast but not with marine layer, more burnt orange. UPDATE: At 4:00 this afternoon this is what it looked like from my back balcony. The fire is in Santa Clarita and