Suck It Rog

This is the first footnote in the NFLPA's Notice of Arbitration Appeal of Tom Brady: 1  We also note that one arbitrator has previously found that you, in particular, are unfamiliar with  proper NFL discipline procedures and have no role in imposing discipline.  Peterson  Art. 46 Appeal at 7 A cited opinion that Roger

The Underballing Issue

No, this isn't a post about my significant other's failure to cup the balls properly.  Much like the text messages on Tom Brady's cellphone, that's none of your business.  I'm just getting sick of everything Ballghazi-related getting spammed with Underball going into contortions to defend the Patriots.  I feel like

Suproxx Ucks

Is this where we come to bitch about Uproxx? I know it's free and all, and it's petty to bitch about a free site that has changed its format to be mildly less convenient... so here goes. Yellow bar - sometimes there, sometimes not. Have to refresh to be sure someone

Two Very Dumb Questions

1.  So. . . Uh . . . Why do the teams get to prepare and maintain custody of game balls before games? 2. Why doesn't the NFL just provide and maintain custody of the balls for the games?

Weekly Puzzle: Champions and Cheaters

[INT, NFL Headquarters] GOODELL: No,'s just...Peter...listen to me...STOP CRYING! [takes breath] It's in the past, it really is. Just, next time, please wash your hands first. With soap. Thoroughly. All right. Yes. Of course, Peter, I won't be restricting your access to nuggets one iota. [hangs up phone] GOODELL: [under his breath]