25 Questions About….

This fucking masterpiece of writing: The Secret O Segredo No, I'm not talking about Oprah's bullshit book that millions of clueless housewives bought thinking they could fucking think their way to being thin and rich and beautiful.  Fuck that shit. I'm talking about an article that Don T turned me on to through the

Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 81)

The scene: The operating center of the National Emergency Response Division. The date is March 29th, 1984. Men...top men, mind you...are looking concerned while they smoke cigarettes. There's a feeling of tension running throughout the entire center. An elevator door slides open and a grim-faced General approaches the smoking men.

“About Time Already”: Your Thursday Evening NBA Finals Open Thread

Hooray, it's finally here, the inevitable third installment of the trilogy that we didn't necessarily need! You know, like Godfather Part III, Shrek the Third, Matrix: Revolutions, and Spider-Man 3. (As opposed to Return of the King or surprisingly Toy Story 3. Don't get me started on Toy Story 3, man!

Through The Eyes of an Irritating Gosling

I have access to a bunch of movie apps and I am amazed at the selection of movies. I’m also amazed how many of them suck ass. I’ll be reviewing them as I see fit. Warning, most of these are going to suck. And you will disagree. And I won’t