Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack Handey, Balls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the fourth edition of a potentially recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC! Now also in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.
- I was thinking a lot about a tweet I saw the other day (Not unusual, I know). IIRC it was a version of “how do you deal with the fact anxiety and depression are often managed through recognizing their irrationality when right now there are so many legitimate reasons to be existentially anxious and depressed?” Oh shit, I found it (or at least a version of it, I’ve seen a few)
It's very hard to maintain mental health because so many coping strategies are based on the idea that your anxiety is unwarranted, and right now needs more of an "okay, extremely warranted but you still gotta water the plants or you'll have fascism AND dead plants" approach
— Cliff 🦖 Jerrison (@pervocracy) June 29, 2022
- Like (too) many other DFOers, I’ve struggled with depression on and off for years. Lately, it’s been very on. Some of it is clearly the constant barrage of news that further underpins the dread that can only be brought on by living through the collapse of American democracy, the reemergence of white supremacists / ethnofascists, and the catastrophic impacts of climate change. But some of it is also wrestling with when impostor syndrome is more honesty than misapprehension. Regardless, what I’ve noticed is the big change this time around is the devastating impact on my attention span. I feel like I literally cannot focus anymore. I wrote in the last edition about procrastinating work with writing for DFO. But it’s almost inevitable at this point. I sit down to bang out a powerpoint or a memo and immediately get distracted and need to find something to center me. I’m engaging a lot in what Mrs. BFC calls “productive procrastination.” Haven’t finished my midyear reviews but I’m going to go do the dishes. Oh, the work to-do list just had another 4 things put on it? Might as well assemble this bar cart (looks great by the way). Even my currently-addled brain gets it; I’m looking for small victories wherever I can get them. But they’re not leading to sufficient momentum to get over the hump and feel good about, you know, my day job. Which then leads to more “you’re a piece of shit” feeling necessitating more of the same vicious cycle. Anyway, I guess the good news is that I’m writing more, and I both enjoy that and the dopamine hit that can come from positive feedback from y’all. Would just be great if I could focus on that bright side for more than 10 seconds before being overwhelmed by the rest of the shit. Bah.
- This is my eleventh (11th) post for DFO in 2022. It’s not particularly noteworthy or even notable compared to the Cal Ripken-like efforts of BGR or Maestro or Yeah Right or Balls or (the list goes on and on) but for me and my aforementioned I should probably write more sentiments, it’s a stark contract to the four (4) posts I wrote in all of 2021 or five (5) posts I wrote in 2020. Gotta keep going, I guess. Damn, back to accidentally talking about mental health again.
- Who would have thought that the Mormons are the sane ones in conservative political circles now?
A transformational leap of faith in LDS politics? All 4 House Rs from Utah – Curtis, Moore, Owens, Stewart – voted yes on same-sex marriage today. https://t.co/ZUsosRsEpr
— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) July 19, 2022
- Your regular reminder that the modern Republican party is anti-Democracy and houses/supports treasonous shitbirds AND is even against popular things people want.
Some perspective on the House GOP caucus:
1% (3/212) voted to end the federal prohibition on cannabis
13% (29/211) voted to renew the Violence Against Women Act
22% (47/213) voted to federally recognize same sex marriages
66% (139/211) voted to overturn the election
— Steve Morris (@stevemorris__) July 19, 2022
- So as a result, this shit needs to stop:
Former Republicans and Democrats to form new third U.S. political party co-chaired by Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitmanhttps://t.co/kV9U83Qmib
— Anthony (@Anthony) July 28, 2022
- One job right now–stop Republicans from ruining the country by voting for Democrats. After that, new parties, challenges to Dems, whatever is all on the table, but with Republicans actively and openly endorsing sedition and opposing Democracy, now is not the time to siphon votes.
- Need a palate cleanser? Me, too. Why don’t we talk about what our go-to cheer up move is/was? Back in the day (I want to say my very early 20s?) I would typically watch one of Billy Madison, South Park, or some other goofy ass comedy any time I needed cheering up. Why in the cinnamon toast fuck am I not doing that on the reg now? Do you all have a go-to for a blue day?
- How pissed do you think Balls would be if he knew I reject all the users with email addresses like “[email protected]”? Oops.
- Even though it’s hot as fuck all outside, I’ve really been enjoying being out on the deck grilling. Not only is it a great beer-sipping activity, it just makes everything taste a little summerier. Ever grilled a peach? If not, get on that, it’s delicious. There are indeed recipes but just cut the peach, through some olive oil/spray on there, and put those fuckers directly on the grill. Cook however long you want, charmarks, softening up, and heat are all it takes to make em tasty. If you want to get fancy and add a soft chese and a drizzle of balsamic, you do you. Even better is to plop em over vanilla bean ice cream. But I just eat em straight. This has been “BFC overuses ’em’ while describing grilled peaches.”
- I don’t know if it’s just because I’m in DC (and if it is, what a waste of money) but I am getting a TON of commercials imploring me to tell my senators to oppose S.2992. Well what does this boogeyman of an inflation compounding economy ruining bill do? Basically prevent Amazon, Facebook, and Google from continuing to fuck over everyone else. Oh.
- Ok, ANYTHING good happening in the world? Anything? How about Prince William having an affair and now being called the Prince of Pegging? Does that count? Let’s take it.
- Schumer and Manchin reaching a deal should count, too, but let’s wait til they have the Byrd Bath and the vote before we get too excited.
What’s On TV Tonight?
Royals @ Yankees 6:05PM
Phillies @ Pirates 6:05PM
Tigers @ Blue Jays 6:07PM
Guardians @ Red Sox 6:10PM
Mariners @ Astros 7:10PM
Dodgers @ Rockies 7:40PM
Rangers @ Angels 8:38PM
Cubs @ Giants 8:45PM
Aussie Footy
Fremantle v Melbourne, 5:10AM, WatchAFL app
Wow, that’s it. Hope you have something to do tonight, might I suggest a board game? I don’t know, man, I’m tired. Have at it.
Having kids who are teens helps from the movie perspective. I make them re-watch terrible ’80s and ’90s movies all the time. It reminded me how awesome basically any movie with John Candy in it is. Uncle Buck and The Great Outdoors are always worth a re-watch. Also, one of the kids loves all baseball movies, so I watch Major League, Sandlot, Bad News Bears, and movies like that. There is a whole industry built on how these movies are problematic, but they are dumb fun, and I doubt my kids will fake a drowning to kiss a lifeguard anyway. If they did, I’d be more proud of their gumption than any pending sexual assault claims.
Also, we sort of instituted an evening phone ban at the house, so after 7 we usually put them away, so no doom scrolling, no angry posting, etc. I obviously violate this (see Twitter), but I am not on the internet 1/3 as much as I used to be. Also, I cut back quite a bit on drinking and replaced it with, like, exercise and hiking (gasp). It really helps with mental (and physical) health. I don’t have a history with depression, but I do get anxiety from time to time, and taking a break to walk outside for even like 5 minutes calms me down. Anyway, glad to see swamp-ass DC is treating you will. Go shitty-ass Bears!
You ever get out of Wells Fargo?
Those wounds run pretty deep.
Humans are weird. There is no other species where it would be considered rational to be depressed by events that aren’t directly impacting you. Also, imposter syndrome is almost never real, and when it is it means you are Elon Musk or Donald Trump so congratulations on getting awesome stuff you don’t deserve! I’m glad we have empathy, but even with what is going on today it doesn’t make being depressed normal or something you should accept as inevitable. Normal is still being yourself, and comfortable with yourself, while hating everything that’s going on. There’s nothing wrong with fighting depression in the context of current events, or ignoring larger issues for mental health reasons if that’s what you have to do.
tl;dr By definition, depression is irrational negative feeling. Negative feeling with a cause isn’t depression, although it still sucks.
Guess this resonated a little, eh?
With all of us.
:: Slowly creeps over to remove previous published piece ::
Legendary NFL Quarterback Blasts Former President Donald Trump (msn.com)
Oh, good. Now I’ll get to hear Trump bash the “Overhyped Norman Esiason” and my team.
Also, even I think the “Legendary” is a bit much for Boomer. He was great, but I’d put him just below legendary.
Good for Boomer but every right-thinking person knows that the Saudis had nothing whatsoever to do with that whole Twin Towers ‘thingy’.
Ok, Boomer
Brought to you by the same franchise that hasn’t won a title since the Truman Administration.
Steve Keim obviously put this in the contract (which was agreed to by both parties) but isn’t mentioned in the article at all. Nice disappearing act, Steve.
“I (hic) never said (hic) that, Mr. Doctor Sir.”
Truman hasn’t won a title since the Dewey Administration
(runs with hyperlink on the clipboard)
(throws clipboard in the trash)
I’ve a client that decided to host a golf tourney. Fair enough. (the sales rep that handles the account told him he would get some free product from me and a small amount of cash for the purchase of prizes) That’s not enough. Said client was insistent that I enter a team at the cost of $150*. I don’t golf.
So, yeah. He’s figured out a way to profit (with the ‘help’ of the host golf course) from this tourney and is pissed that I wasn’t interested in helping him do that.
*that’s just an entry fee, there’s the dinner and drinks on the course. That leads to a hotel room, of course.
You know, despite my rugged good looks, my very huge penis, and my celebrity lifestyle (believe all or nothing here), I’ve been down a bit lately. I’ll explain this 4ch*n style so it’s easy for me to type.
>Wife was in hospital early June
>intestines telescoping into each other and pushing back up into stomach
>10 day hospital stay
>slow recovery but feeling like her old self after 5-6 weeks
>same symptoms happen last week
>another emergency surgery
>they do permanent fix this time, though a lot more cutting
>BP is high
>heart rate is high
>BP under control
>HR not under control
>take her home today
>now gotta figure out heart shit
In the meantime, my mom had COVID, and got better. My dad has it now. With the kids and work and everything, this has been a trying time. I realized I was not in the right frame of mind when I had no desire to eat fast food or burritos or tacos or Chinese or Thai. And porn just bored me.
I know she is not out of the woods yet. We have to get her heart right and make sure her blood pressure stays okay. Going to take time.
Make sure you take care of yourself, while you take care of her. Believe me, I know a little something about this. I’m doing better now, but I hit a very rough patch when Gumby wasn’t doing well. We’re both in a better place than we were, but he’s on disability for good reasons, and is never really going to be well again. I’m always going to have to do most of the heavy lifting.
Hope everything goes okay. We’re here for you.
Hang tough Buddy. I trust your wife will have a full and speedy recovery.
All the best to your wife and the whole family.
Still, fuck the Chefs. 😀
Well, I am the chef at home right now, but no fucking until she gets better and I refill my prescription.
Then it’s Blue Pill Stew!
Viagra Vindaloo!
National Gallery of Art
This feels like one of those missing square puzzles
Did you have a stroke typing this?
Waves at the “hidden” camera
Yes! I couldn’t think of what it reminded me of.
I see that #YangGang is trending on twitter and if I had the power I would get a countertrend of #YankGang that consists of gifs of people making dismissive wanking motions.
“I’m listening…” — Robert Kraft
National Gallery of Art
Arlington VA
Current clubhouse standings:
beerguyrob – 1222
ballsofsteel – 882
scotchnaut – 780
king hippo – 638
rikki-tikki-deadly – 558
twbs – 423
blaxabbath – 407
the maestro – 384
yeah right is listed at 190 but I don’t think that’s accurate – I think he had to switch accounts at some point or something.
I hope I didn’t miss anybody; it’s not easy to sort these so I just wrote down all the big numbers.
I need to get to 888.
Seems lucky
“It is, it is!” – Stephen Miller
Can’t believe I am losing to a dead guy by like 300.
— Bill Cosby, looking at Jeffrey Epstein’s total in the rape standings
I’m happy I’ve done over a 100 posts. And then bgr has 10 times moar than me. Wow
780 posts just kinda boggles my mind. When I initially jumped on the site I just wanted to make jokes. That was my sole intention.
I need to get a total on hobos killed.
Yeah, there was a log in issue a few years back. The rest are under laserguru.
Dr. Evil? That you?
These numbers are all fine and dandy, but who has posted the most aircraft engine pictures?
Ooh, what am I at?
I stopped watching the news about two months after Covid hit. All of the rampant speculation and how it affected everyone around me was very noticeable. I’d taken “The News” with a grain of salt for quite some time but I felt I was making and changing decisions for staff based on what I’d read or seen the previous evening. Some staff members would question those decisions because they’d watched a different news source. It was a shit show.
(Rightly) Anxious staff would send me articles or short vids regarding what was going on, on an almost daily basis thinking it would help. I eventually told them, “Look, your safety is my top priority and I have to take a longer view. I won’t be engaging you on news items on a daily basis.”
My anxiety immediately decreased and my decision-making process improved dramatically. For those that still watched the news, it was plain to see them get worked up about something, fuss about it, and then move on to something else a few days later and repeat the process over and over.
And I think that’s how “The News” affects people writ large.
ok, since BFC no likey cats, I also recommend…FITBAW. September is almost here, keep that head out of the oven!!
Doomscrolling is a bitch. It truly wreaks havoc on the mind. You have every right to feel upset about all the bullshit going on in the world right now, but at least when I find myself travelling down that road in my head I try to compartmentalize it and at least try to focus on the stuff that is personally good for me, at least. My own life positives might not solve the ills of the world… but they’re also not gonna make anything worse either, I think.
Also, sometimes Lady Maestro gives my ear a flick or two to snap me out of it. That seems to help for some reason.
At any rate, pal, you’re a treat to have around, so I hope you can at least take some solace in the fact that as the world continues to have dumb shit going on it, you’ve got a little electronic box full of imaginary people that still, against all the infinitesimal unlikelihood of astrophysics allowing this outcome, still very much give, at the very minimum, at least two shits about you and everything you have to offer. You’re a good egg, as my British grandmother would’ve said.
Cats. Cats are the only antidote I know.
And BFC is a dog person, the philistine!
If they’re good enough for Johnny Cash, they’re good enough for me!
Sometimes you just have to recognize that you don’t need to make yourself miserable in the name of “being an informed citizen.” If reading bad news is motivating you to do something useful: write your Congressperson, volunteer, donate, stock up on COVID tests, plan your escape to Portugal, whatever… then fine. Or even if you just find it interesting or intellectual stimulating, which is frankly the main reason I follow the news if I’m being honest.
But if it’s just causing you to feel despair, then I’m not sure by what standard you can claim to be making better choices than your neighbor who spent the night bingeing dumb comedies.
>still very much give, at the very minimum, at least two shits about you
It’s zero for me at the moment but only because I’m constipated. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll make up for it by doubling up.
#princeofpegging is the greatest hashtag in the history of hashtags.
#pantspantsrevolution from Borjan Pants was pretty good. Hee hee.
[blushes because he think you are talking about his cribbage skills] – Eli Manning
Rosie’s a bitch. I’m glad you didn’t let her in.
I beg your pardon!!!
I stand by my statement.
From what I read, Forward is not really going to participate in the midterms and instead is gearing up for the 2024 election.
Smart move. Either the GOP crashes and burns in ‘22, setting themselves up to take over (Republicans and Whigs in the 1850s) or the GOP thrives so they can set themselves up as a minor party in Congress for those sick of the two. I doubt they’ll run a Presidential candidate, not unless the Democrats have nobody who can defeat Trump.
If the Democrats are smart, they will make it illegal for Trump to run.
I don’t think anyone is smart enough to figure out how to get 67 Senators to vote for that, considering it didn’t work in January 2021.
Free tacos.
They’re still idiots
I’m curious how many people they think they can draw from the Republican party. I understand your biggest concern is that they’ll split the Democrats, which is highly likely. It will be very interesting to see how this evolves and what direction it ultimately takes.
You should absolutely write more!
Wanna take over the AFL Beat? You know more about that league than anyone on this site.
I found my state of mind got better when I stopped having the news on in the background all the time. I’ll listen to the local news update once and check CNN just in case we declare war or someone died, but that’s it.
Anything more is just fuel for anxiety.
I never watch news. There is no need.
I only watch the weather and the occasional car chase
That’s pretty much my strategy. The local news here is extremely local, and quite entertaining in a “hey kids, let’s put on a show” way, so good enough!
I found a bizarre and hilarious show from New Zealand called Wellington Paranormal last night. Think Reno 911 with ghosts and such. I believe it was on the CW, whatever that is.
I’ve been finding that just getting moving helps my state of mind. Walking, running (away from scotchy), working out, biking, swimming, whatever helps to clear my mind after a shitty day.
And I try to limit my doom scrolling. There’s something to be said about ignorance is bliss. Or a at least little bit of it.
running (away from scotchy)
That only applies if you’re homeless. Better watch yinzself, Jean-Ralphio.
Just as I read this Martin Sheen showed up in my inbox asking me to show up by donating $3 to the DCCC.
Would that be the same DCCC that supported forced birth candidate Henry Cuellar, Martin?
I think I’ll spend two of those dollars on another Mega Millions ticket, then wipe my ass with the other.
That’s why I’ll be showing up in November drunk to vote Democratic.
He was pestering me too. Worry about your fucked up kid, Martin!
Did Derek Jeter die? What is with this constant THE CAPTAIN fellatio horseshit?!
ESPN spent a lot of money on that documentary, and you will by God watch it.
What about Ohio which is already solidly Republican? Can I vote Forward or do I gotta show up at the polling station drunk again so I can vote Democratic?
/Mails handle of Canadian whisky and a Big Turk
The latter
ESPECIALLY this year with that competitive Senate race.
Fast forward to first day of early voting, a drunken Redshirt stumbles out of an Uber:
“My imaginary interwebs friends said I need to vote for Hillary’s and Nancy’s bitches or else Trump will try and declare himself Il Douche again.”
(vomits on self)
“Where’s my sticker? I was promised a sticker.”
/Johnny Manziel stumbles into Redshirt
“Hey! I wanted to get (hic) this revoked!” while holding up broken calculator
What he say. JD Vance is a mortifyingly terrible piece of shit, even my Trump Era fascist standards.
He’s worse than Trump and only slightly better than Cruz.
And where does he fall on the Oz-o-meter?
“Hey! Over here!”
-H. Walker
Still better than Vance and Cruz.
“I’m looking for small victories wherever I can get them. But they’re not leading to sufficient momentum to get over the hump and feel good about, you know, my day job. Which then leads to more “you’re a piece of shit” feeling necessitating more of the same vicious cycle.”
I feel seen.
…but hey, at least you’re doing something productive, even if it is to avoid dealing with work shit.
as opposed to say, avoiding work, reading old issues of Suck.com and coming across life affirming passages like this:
Let us give thanks
for our daily distractions,
those little things
that keep our minds busy –
bad celebrity magazines,
books about natural disasters,
Monday Night Football,
Shark Week on the Discovery Channel
for these are the gentle winds
that blow us along,
their frenetic, cheery,
pop cultural breezes
whisking away the gloomy reality
of our pathetic little lives
and these are also the hurricane forces
that bend us mercilessly
when we’re filled with existential angst
like a self-involved character
in a John Updike novel,
muttering to himself,
“Sportscenter sure has changed
since back in the day.
Man, I’m old.”
As someone currently on mental health leave from my primary employ this is such a true statement BFC!!!
Trying to change negative thoughts by being rational instead of spiralling is what I am trying to learn.
That’s great that you have some time & space to work on getting your head together litre. I could use that…
Hope you come out of it in a better place with some good tools for your future mental and emotional well being.
Getting there. Definitely my Sunday Wine night has helped me. Keep writing BFC.