When I run out of a beer, unless that beer is Sierra Nevada Celebration, and unless Sierra Nevada Celebration is still being sold somewhere, I replace it with something new. There are a few other scattered exceptions to this rule, but the concept of a "go-to" beer is more or
Author: makeitsnowondem
Commentist Beer Barrel: Happy Birthday To Me
Good evening, everyone. I'm afraid this Beer Barrel will be even more self-indulgent than usual, and no, I've never engaged in any self-deception about just how high that bar is. You see, yesterday was my thirtieth birthday, and I decided my gift to myself would be to drink whatever the
Commentist Beer Barrel: Bastards
Commentist Beer Barrel: Hans, Solo
Donald Trump Gets A Friendly Call
A phone rings in a spacious, luxurious apartment in Trump Tower. A large, dead caterpillar perched atop a molding orange answers.
Commentist Beer Barrel: Barrels and Barrels of Barrels
Commentist Beer Barrel: Winter Is Yummy
Commentist Beer Barrel: Dogfish Did It
Commentist Beer Barrel: Iced, Bro
Kommenter Beer Barrel: It’s Chili Outside
The Texan Football Experiment
In 2013, researchers at the University of Houston exposed five people to an entire season of some of the worst football of all time. Promising potential subjects the opportunity to watch every minute of an all-time great season by a generational defensive football talent, rent-free and supplied with endless barbecue,