Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings.  With it being the lead up to the Superb Owl, things were a bit quiet to start the week.  The Thursday open thread started with music and old stereos and then somehow moved into wine.  It's a good read

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome to another comment of the week post and ramblings by yours truly.  This week I learnt about cigars and some new shows to watch.  There were some long discussions on various things this week that were both informative and fun.  Good to see. As I mentioned in yesterdays thread it

Subsequent GTD reflections

So, good news and bad news.  First is that we're still going to have a weekly recap of the bestestestest comments by you fine folk.  The bad news is that the new authoUr of this series is GTD and his warped sense of, well, everything will be pickering the comments. 

Happy Scottish New Year Open Thread!

As this post goes live, the New Year will be starting in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, THE Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mauritania, Côte D'Ivoire, Togo, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. That also means that the UK is officially OUT of the European Union. Many in Scotland are

Your MAF (Monday Afternoon Football) Open thread

Good afternoon, all! Today we have an extra bonus game thanks to the Ravens' strength and conditioning coach being a complete moron. Actually, that's not really fair. I read somewhere that they found 4 different strains of COVID in the Baltimore Ravens franchise. So, it wasn't only the strength

Sexy Friday, What Do You Mean You Want To Try Something New? Edition

Recently, I discovered that one of our very own commentists has a hidden talent for finding pictures of hot chicks on the Internet. No, it's not Moose or Unsurprised or Spur or even Brocky! It's ! His recent posts on the open threads have inspired me and

Your So Happy It’s Thursday Before July 4th Holiday Open thread

Good evening, all! Your normal evening thread host, Beerguyrob, is off somewhere in British Columbia celebrating the end of the school year. That means you get me today and tomorrow. I did check with the authorities and they told me in very clear terms that I could not

A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Bits Of Conversation Overheard In A House With Several People Working From Home

"I made pies, cookies, brownies, all the usual high caloric shit plus I made a loaf of bread." "...much less attractive than they were a few months ago." "It’s their first season in their new shared facility, and it will be interesting to follow the demarcation of the relationship." "Everybody dies." "...a culture of

Your DOGGIE Westminster Show Open Thread

Nothing matters tonight other than watching cool doggies doing their thing and, hopefully, pooping on the carpet. All your details are here: TV coverage is on Fox Sports. For all of you that don't know, Ryan Reynolds, my personal spirit guide, has decided to sponsor The Show through his gin: Now get to

Balls on…The College Football Playoff

We just recently finished the semifinals and are eagerly awaiting the final and I don't think everyone is happy. This is where I usually come in. Let's just say the Balls-Signal went out. As usual, I will come in and either fix things or make them worse with everyone complaining about