Coach Zimmer Takes a Long Walk in the Woods.

banner image via [exterior Coach Zimmers' compound in Kentucky] Coach Zimmer walks in the front door of his expansive residence looking forlorn. He tosses his keys on the hall table and removes his Vikings cap. Coach Zimmer: "Hello? Beansie? Maria? I'm home!" A distant squeaking sound is heard and approaches Coach. "EEK EEEK EEEK!" CZ: "Beansie!

There’s Got To Be A Pony In There Somewhere

Bless yeahright's heart, for amidst all the literal chaos, death, destruction, and despair of 2020, he suggested we all gather 'round the DFO clubhouse fire and share what we're still thankful for this year. It reminds me of the story of the family that moves to a new house, and while

Casino Coffee Shop. 11:00 AM.

image via [interior: a packed casino coffee shop. A man sits at a table for two] Man: "Dude! There you are!" [another man staggers up to the table and sits down heavily. He places both hands to his head] Dude: "Hey man. What's up?" Man: "DUDE! [laughing] You look like shit!" Dude: "You should feel it