New York Jets 2018 Preview, or Your Idiocy Tries to Escape the Underworld

It's that time of year, where leaves fall on the ground, a once-in-a-generation hurricane hits somewhere (this time Hawaii!), and you briefly think "Hey, maybe the Jets'll suck less than expected!" And sure, maybe they will! There are quarterbacks who aren't Josh McCown, so that's something. Not that McCown's had a

Your “The Roster, The Practice Squad or The Street-It’s Your Choice” Thursday Night NFL Pre-Season Windup Open Thread

Of course, as a player you might be just fine talent-wise but your contract might not be to management's liking. Or perhaps you've got the requisite amount of experience but there's a rookie that the coaching staff is curious about. Maybe you were favoured by a previous regime and the

Your Thursday Night NFL Football Open Thread

[kid's entertainer walks onto stage to rabid applause] Entertainer: "HELLO OUT THERE, ALL MY LITTLE POOPSTERS!" Audience: "HELLO CAPTAIN SHITSTAIN!" C-Stain: "Oh! It's so lovely to see all my friends. There's Dookie in the front row." [camera pans to excited child wearing a "Don't Shit Where You Eat" t-shirt] C-Stain: "Boy, have I got a

Your “It’s Friday. Let’s Eat And Drink And Drug Like The Champs We Are” Friday Night Football Open Thread

It's shitty preseason ball and a couple of shitty teams are involved in this double-header. Call it "un-beautiful symmetry", maybe? Whatever, my eyebulbs are gonna catch some action. One thing I've got an issue with is the fact that this is the first weekend that all teams are playing and