CFL Beat: Week 3

As we sit here and discuss the beautiful game of Canadian football, I am so looking forward to the end of the school year. Just a few more days until these report cards are done and dusted once more, and I can enjoy my summer precisely how it was meant

A Selection of Phrases from Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty

Banner Photo Credit: Perth News   A Selection of Phrases from (recent-ish) Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty*: Sell a little candy Bit of a Meal of It Sidebottom with the banana Out of Tickets Here Comes The Fist Suddenly it's end to end Fishtowning beautifully Had a bit of a fresh airy That makes

CFL Beat: Week 2

I want to give you all some insider info on how the CFL Beat is made; I have a perfect workflow, honed from over seven years of doing these articles. At least, it was perfect, until PFF stats fucked me. Looks like live stats are totally down on, which

CFL Beat: Week 1

We've finally arrived at Week 1 of the regular season! Buckle up with a few Molsons and a bag of all-dressed chips and make yourself comfy for the summer and fall of 2023, folks. In league news this week: The CFL announced a partnership this week with Pro Football Focus to

The First Manc Derby FA Cup Final – Open Thread

It seems like this would have happened before, probably on multiple occassions.  But no - this is the first, and sure to be quite the drunken event.  So much so, they moved the kickoff time up like 2.5 hours (10:00, ESPN+). Gots to respect y'all's #PrudeGame, Inglen. Wakey's Red Devils have already won

Your “Sir Doug Nicholls Round Recap Redux” Thursday Night Open Thread

Good evening and Happy June. I'm writing this well in advance because today marks ten years since Lady BFC and I went on our first date, and if I'm in the DFO clubhouse typing away instead of celebrating, something has gone horribly wrong. Speaking of things going horribly wrong, the reason

Balls Magazine Volume 16 and Saturday Night Open Thread

As you may have noticed, I have been lax in publishing new episodes of Balls Magazine. That's not to say that I haven't been playing golf. I have. I've just been playing really shitty golf. To wit, here are my results from my last three rounds: 107 at Santa Anita Golf

Your “Sir Doug Nicholls Round AFL Recap” Thursday Night Open Thread

Evening. Five posts in one month from this guy?  I guess you all can't get rid of me. This past weekend was the AFL's Sir Doug Nicholls Round, and while you may recognize that term from Balls's previous writeups, I thought maybe tonight I could do an homage to BeerGuyRob and