Hello there fellow DFO'er. Hope you're well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain. There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. For the Canadian DFO'er, hope you enjoUyed your long weekend. For the
Fantasy F*ckfest 2021 (the Evening Edition)
Below follows Part 2 of our Roundtable, which doubles as evening Open Thread. Three commenters represent Murrika, and 3 for Canadia. No moose were injured in the compiling of this "thought." reverendmayhem 9:43 AM New Question: who will be the late round/low auction price quarterback who makes you kick yourself for passing up? The
Fantasy F*ckfest 2021 (the Morning Edition)
Below follows Part 1 of our Roundtable, which doubles as morning Open Thread. Three commenters represent Murrika, and 3 for Canadia. No moose were injured in the compiling of this "thought." king_hippo 9:38 AM This is the 2021 DFO Fantasy Roundtable Fuckfest thread. I have to fill Sabado noche as well as morning,