It’s a New Sexy Year Friday!

Sort of. Work with me here. The timing of the holiday is such that this is the last Sexy Friday of the year of our Lord 2017. And yeah, go fuck yourselves with that CE crap. Taking away the religious angle, the commonly accepted chronology is based on the estimated birth

TGISF…AKA “Time To Fill That Sack Ya Fat B*st*rd” Sexy Friday Open Thread

No, that's not what I meant!!!  Get your head in the game!!! But I also can't fault ya on that one.  One must play to their strengths. Obligatory: - Well, it's Christmas again Almost, anyway. And as I've often told people, in spite of the fact that I'm a godless heathen; and in spite of all

TGISF… AKA “Oh Baby It’s Cold Outside” Sexy Friday Open Thread

I'm pretty certain that this is the latest I've ever been in starting on TGISF.  I can't be certain, because I tend to stay drunk and/or high whenever possible these days, but I'm pretty sure. /checks clock //checks calendar Yikes.  Yep.  It's currently 12:40am on Friday, December the 15th.  Usually I'm more or

TGISF… AKA Your “Wang Chung Tonight” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Short week this week for a few reasons.  So I'm dipping into the "Pool of Princesses" for TGISF this week to make things easy on myself.  Low hanging fruit, yada yada yada. And while I don't have the energy or the creativity to try to be coy with the identity of

TGISF… AKA “Are Ya Feelin’ Lucky, Punk?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Note:  While I wasn't paying attention, BallsofSteel once again invaded my personal space.  At least this time I didn't need antibiotics afterwards. But I digress... In all seriousness, I've got a busy week, including packing for and going to Vegas.  Balls has been kind enough to "volunteer" to contribute his vast and

TGISF…AKA “Now We’re Cooking” Sexy Friday Open Thread

So I guess many of us did some cooking yesterday.  Or at least reaped the benefits of someone else doing it. Me myself?  I cooked.  And I know some of the rest of you did as well based upon our Thanksgiving Eve open thread discussions. I enjoy cooking.  Very much.  I especially

TGISF… AKA Your “I’m Feline Paw-sitively Purr-iffic” Sexy Friday Open Thread - So this whole "one week turnaround time" thing for me to respond to theme/princess requests is getting interesting, huh?  It's almost  like I care. But don't get used to it.  My apathy will kick back in soon enough. But yes, during last week's TGISF, The Women of Marvel , I used this

TGISF… AKA “Everybody Gets One” Sexy Friday Open Thread This week, we have a "Theme By Request". See?  I listen.  Granted, I don't always respond.  And almost never particularly quickly.  Sorry, I'm old. But this week I wanted to get this one up quickly (phrasing) for our beloved Beerguyrob  so he doesn't forget us while he's on sabbatical for the next

TGISF… AKA Your “I Got Nuthin’ This Week – But Vegas Is Looming” Sexy Friday Open Thread

It's been an interesting week.  Honestly, my brainpower is maxed out this week. And I didn't have that much extra to spare to begin with. So with semi-sincere apologies, we have no theme this week.  Everything is random. And I'm probably about to ramble without direction for a little bit. Just like life. - First, Some

TGISF… AKA Your “Insert Witty Halloween Sex Pun Here” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yep, it's Halloween again.  Almost, anyway.  So of course this week is an easy choice. It's the 2nd Annual TGISF Halloween Sexy!!!!!!!! (yes, we had a birthday a few weeks I get to call everything "2nd Annual " any damned time I want to...get over it) So let's have a party!!!!!   We'll have

TGISF… AKA “When I Turn Your MOM Over, It Spells WOW” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Well, after that title and that banner image, I suspect some of you are already cringing just a little bit.  Worry not, we're gonna keep it classy.  Mostly. But now I'm gonna ramble for a little while... Tonight's issue of TGISF has come about because I do think it's high time I

TGISF… AKA “Can We Leave The Lights On This Time?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Boo!!!!!!!!! Yeah, today is Friday, October 13th. Why are we superstitious about Friday the 13th, anyway?  I'm really not, to be honest.  Though I probably should be. Little known fact.... I got married to my ex-wife on a Friday the 13th.  And considering how much of a horror show that turned out be? Honestly though,