Some of us have waited four years for this. Today is the day we crown a new World Champion. Will it be a team that has never won before let alone been in a World Cup Final (Croatia) or will it be the team that has won one and lost
Tag: drinky drink drink drink
AFL Beat – 2018 Round 16
Your “Be Nice to the Sub” Monday Open Thread
As if you didn't get enough World Cup coverage, I am here tonight because MicheladaTioRoberto has been forced to do work at inconvenient times for the Open Thread. So, first things first. Following today's games, here is how the first two groups ended up: GROUP A WINNER: Uruguay GROUP A RUNNERUP: Russia GROUP B
AFL Beat 2018 Round 14
Your “Hours And Hours Of Fascinating Fun” Saturday Evening Post I have seriously had my fill of all politics for this week - international, domestic and office. I am going to grab the first Scottish thing I see in my liquor cabinet and am not stopping until it's done or it's been pulled from my cold, unconscious grip. I suggest
2018 World Cup Second Friday Open Thread
2018 World Cup Thursday Open Thread
2018 World Cup Wednesday Open Thread
2018 World Cup Tuesday Open Thread
AFL Beat – 2018 Round 13
This week, Seriously though, the AFL did continue playing through the World Cup. And stuff happened! Let's get to it! Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! Round 13 The Round started, awkwardly for those that didn't read the AFL Beats on Monday and Tuesday, on Australian Thursday Night which meant Wednesday night/ Thursday