I didn't get my book read last night. Shocking, I know. I probably won't get to it today/tonight either. Mostly because I suck and am easily distracted... Also, you guys are too damned funny to resist sometimes. Peer Pressure!!!!! - We've Got Some NFL Stuff To Talk About First and foremost, fuck you Spanos, Goodell
Tag: tWBS needs an intervention
“MAC n Cheese Is All You Get Tonight” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
There's no football tonight, of course. Well, at least not the varsity variety. Barely the JV variety either, unless you're a MAC fan... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBxNjg2Nz24 But we'll get to that later. Besides, tonight I plan to try and ignore sports and finally try (again) to finish some reading I've been trying to finish for far
Bye Week Roadtrips 2017: Pt III – Baltimore Ravens
[Exterior, Day, A Highway Rest Area Somewhere in Virginia] It is a cold, crisp autumn day. tWBS sits huddled on a bench, shivering against a stiff wind, waiting patiently for.... something. His phone begins to ring. tWBS: Ah dammit. tWBS fumbles into his pocket with fingers which are stiff and numbed from the cold.
Your “Shut Up Liver, You’re Fine” Saturday Evening Open Thread & Broadcast Maps
Lotsa JV Footy earlier today. Lotsa JV Footy later tonight. Lotsa Varsity Footy Tomorrow. I dunno about you, but my liver never recovered from last weekend. And now here we are again. But screw it. Together, we can muddle thru it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9BfvPjsXXw (sorry, I was talking to my beer again) - Speaking of the Varsity Footy varietals, here
Balls and tWBS: At The Movies
Citizen Kane Casablanca Gone With The Wind Lawrence of Arabia Schindler's List These are just a few of the movies celebrated as being the best of all time and which I haven't watched. This is Balls, btw. tWBS is more cultured than me and may have seen some of these. tWBS: I've actually seen Citizen Kane
TGISF… AKA “Everybody Gets One” Sexy Friday Open Thread
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyGd21YN37M This week, we have a "Theme By Request". See? I listen. Granted, I don't always respond. And almost never particularly quickly. Sorry, I'm old. But this week I wanted to get this one up quickly (phrasing) for our beloved Beerguyrob so he doesn't forget us while he's on sabbatical for the next
A Night at the D.I.
Your “Commitment to Excrement” Late SNF Open Thread
With all due apologies to Rikki-Tikki-Deady and Al Davis' Re-Animated Corpse.... ....for that post title. Mostly because I don't want either showing up here uninvited. And also my apologies for my opinion below of how this game tonight is apt to go. Please don't cannibalize me in my sleep tonight. That goes for you
TGISF… AKA Your “I Got Nuthin’ This Week – But Vegas Is Looming” Sexy Friday Open Thread
It's been an interesting week. Honestly, my brainpower is maxed out this week. And I didn't have that much extra to spare to begin with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gkibxWr0DY So with semi-sincere apologies, we have no theme this week. Everything is random. And I'm probably about to ramble without direction for a little bit. Just like life. - First, Some
TGISF… AKA Your “Insert Witty Halloween Sex Pun Here” Sexy Friday Open Thread
Yep, it's Halloween again. Almost, anyway. So of course this week is an easy choice. It's the 2nd Annual TGISF Halloween Sexy!!!!!!!! (yes, we had a birthday a few weeks ago...now I get to call everything "2nd Annual " any damned time I want to...get over it) So let's have a party!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT4FY3NrhGg We'll have
Bye Week Roadtrips 2017: Pt II – Tampa Bay Bucs
[Interior Day, Sleazy Office, Hollywood, California] Darkest Timeline Zack Morris sits quietly in the office, staring at the phone, willing it to ring. On the wall, the HD Tee Vee box plays a fantasy football advice show. DTZM pays no attention, the sound is muted. Rikki-Tikki-Deadly sits nearby on the sofa, playing