[Exterior Day, Miami, Florida] tWBS stands and looks across a huge and nearly empty parking lot. He looks at the slip of paper again, and double checks the address. Satisfied it is correct, he begins hiking across the lot. After checking his watch again, he begins to run. As he picks
Tag: tWBS needs an intervention
Your “Quick Turnaround” SNF Open Thread
TGISF… AKA “Can We Leave The Lights On This Time?” Sexy Friday Open Thread
Boo!!!!!!!!! Yeah, today is Friday, October 13th. Why are we superstitious about Friday the 13th, anyway? I'm really not, to be honest. Though I probably should be. Little known fact.... I got married to my ex-wife on a Friday the 13th. And considering how much of a horror show that turned out be? Honestly though,
TGISF… AKA “A Lot Can Happen In A Year” Sexy Friday Open Thread
Welcome New Users… AKA “What Were You Thinking Joining Up Here?”
Your “Are We Having Fun Yet?” SNF Open Thread
I'm tired and grumpy. And somehow also both drunk and hungover simultaneously. That doesn't seem fair, just sayin'. And I hate teh Clots. This could get interesting. OK, maybe not "interesting" so much as "awkward". Just kidding. I do hate the Clots, but I'm too tired to spew venom. Or anything else, for
TGISF… AKA “If She’s Willing To Go Down Under, She’s A Keeper” Sexy Friday Open Thread
TGISF… AKA “Make Like A Tree…And Get Outta Here” Sexy Friday Open Thread
TGISF…AKA “Is Your Board Sticky?” Sexy Friday Open Thread
ballsofsteelandfury and I are gonna talk about surfing a little bit and hopefully some of the rest of you whom I know to be surfers will join in in the comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y3h9p_c5-M - tWBS: The first time I surfed I was probably about eight years old. Or maybe nine. Maybe even ten. Hell,
TGISF…AKA “Return Of Teh Cheerleaders – Pt Deux” Sexy Friday Open Thread
Don't stare at that banner image up there too long. Because you can't have her. But we'll get to that. Last week, we paid homage to the amateurs... https://www.doorfliesopen.com/2017/09/01/tgisf-18/ Yes, a good portion of last week's TGISF was a shameless NCSU plug, why do you ask? And we lost anyway. Meh. But this week, we're
TGISF…AKA “Return Of Teh Cheerleaders – Part I” Sexy Friday Open Thread
JV FOOTY EDITION!!!!! Hope you like that banner image. We'll get back to that but.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzAO9A9GjgI - First, Some Business (again) Fantasy Football!!! I'm by no means a FF expert. I did it once, and I sucked at it. But I have now put my pride on the line and am about to get my ass