This is not where I parked my car!

Entropy made a comment in Hippo’s Monday post that alluded to the NFL turning into the NBA so gradually we didn’t even notice.  Truth be told, I’d had the same thought over the course of this weekend.  It is disturbing for sure.  I thought about writing up a post, but it’s not really an exact parallel so the post idea idled in my brain the whole weekend.  Entropy’s comment brought it back to the forefront and so here we are.

I’ve thought of various angles to this post and the various comparisons I could make but my thoughts are too jumbled right now.  Especially in the wake of this weekend’s games.  I mean, my favorite team won and my reaction was not one of happiness or joy.  Why the fuck am I watching this if I can’t get any joy out of my chosen team winning?

There are a lot of directions to go:

The Donald Sterlings of the NFL

How MLB made the record book irrelevant

The NHL’s quest to expand, relocate, and then expand some more.

The corrupt and no-cost minor leagues of the NBA and NFL

It’s difficult because essentially all sports leagues are McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.  It’s the same shit with a different “flavor”.  They are run as businesses with the goal of making the most money for the shareholders.  That’s it.  The only difference is that the shares are privately held (shut up, Green Bay!), the books are never opened, and a select few of the franchise owners actually care about putting out a quality product.  The rest are out to make as much money as they can.

The more I thought about it, though, I realized that the comparisons don’t matter.  Only the lessons learned matter.  So, what can be learned from the actions of the major sports?

We the consumers have more power than we give ourselves

Is there really a need for a hockey team in Phoenix?  Nashville?  Carolina? Atlanta?  They tried to force-feed hockey to the good people of Atlanta and they said, “When does the strip club open?”  That expansion franchise left for Winnipeg.

Why anyone goes to Jaguars games is beyond me.  The owner knows this.  Why do you think he added cabanas and a pool? Doesn’t everyone in Jacksonville have the ocean and luxury hotels available to them?  Why are you going into a stadium to pay $10 for a Bud Light?!?

No one at MLB gave a shit about steroids.  No one.  The only ones that cared were the fuddy duddies like Bob Costas and the other old baseball fans that cared about the “integrity” of a game that was running close to four hours per game and boring the shit out of a younger generation raised on video games and short attention spans.  But MLB listened to those old farts.  And people (most notably minorities because they are just the worst) were made examples of and the old people were made happy and baseball moved on.

Who buys baseball tickets?  Old people.  Who did MLB listen to?  Old people.  Are you seeing where I’m going with this?

Stop going to games of shitty teams.  Stop buying licensed merchandise.  The shitty franchises will leave soon enough and you can still watch games on television and comment on funny football-related websites and play fantasy football.  None of this costs money.

Next week, we may get some sort of Jerry Jones-brokered back-room deal where Mark Davis will get screwed and left out of the LA market.  If that comes to pass, little bowl-cut may end up taking a page out of his daddy’s playbook and suing the pants off the NFL while filing an injunction to stop the other franchises from moving.  I would love that so so so so much.  Either way, I bet you that in my lifetime, if a team does move to LA, it will file for permission to leave.  Gua-ran-fucking-teed.

I know this.  You know this. So why give the owners your money?  Really, why?  Affiliate with a team and support them with your heart and soul, but not with your pocketbook.  It really makes no sense.  And, to those that say that without your support, the NFL would fold, I say that the TV networks are already paying a premium to the NFL because their business model is becoming antiquated too and the only way to get eyeballs is through the only thing that can’t be recorded and watched later or binge-watched over the Internet.  Sports are the only and best drama and/or comedy on television that no one can see coming from a mile away.  Truth is always stranger and better than fiction.

The point about TV money is true of all sports. The over-riding source of revenue for all sports leagues is television rights money.  For all of them.  Even international soccer.  The only reasons to go to a game for one of the big four leagues are as follows:


The tickets are cheap and there are many games to choose from which makes it easier to fit a game into your schedule.

If you live in a location with a temperate locale or a stadium with a dome, you can pass a pleasant afternoon or evening with some friends having a conversation and some food and drink without going to a loud bar and having some stranger pick up on you, take you home, and try to stick a finger in your butt.

You may get to hit a beach ball before it gets confiscated.


The sport of hockey is the best sport to watch live.

You may see a fight.

You may not see the puck.


You get to see really tall and athletic men jump and do things you could never ever do live and in front of you without smelling the animal feces you would find at a circus. (some NBA arenas exempted.)

You want to get impregnated by one of those men and live off the child support.

You got free or discounted tickets


You know a guy who knows a guy that has corporate tickets and he offered them to him.

The guy offered you the tickets.

Someone bought you tickets as a birthday or Christmas gift.

You wanna hang out in the tailgate, drink, eat, and you can’t take your girl to your mom’s house for sex

Let’s face it, the overwhelming majority of us watch sports on TV.  And the overwhelming majority of us are not part of the Nielsen rating system.  I have lived in this country for over 35 years and I have NEVER been invited to take part.  It doesn’t fucking matter to the ratings whether I watch or not.

I have stopped buying NFL-licensed merchandise.  If I buy anything, it is off the sidewalk or off an obscure offshore website that is most likely not paying licensing fees.  I have not gone to a game in years.  Granted, I live in LA, but I have in the past traveled to San Diego, Dallas, and Oakland for Steelers games.  No more.  The last holdout was the NFL Sunday Ticket.  The RedZone Channel with Andrew Siciliano was like football crack to me.  This year, though, I realized I could have just as much if not more fun watching the game at a bar with some of my imaginary Internet friends.  So, sorry Directv.  No six months of free HBO will change my mind.  I will use those hundreds of dollars for a beach vacation instead thank you very much.

I beseech you, dear friends, to follow my example and stop giving your hard-earned money to those assholes in the NFL without asking for something in return.  Stop attending games if your team sucks.  If you have season tickets, treat them as a business and sell them to some suckers for a profit on Stub-Hub.  And, as you may find, if you can’t make any money off them, then maybe realize they are not worth the money you are spending on them and give them up.  After all,

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I still very much like the game, with the worts and all. The ticket prices are too much so the only games I go to are company or gifts, which are not very often. I don’t like Redzone so that is out; the network games are enough for me so I don’t pay for prime ticket. I feel stupid in jerseys or other gear so the only ones I have are from a couple of my favorite players. I guess I’m not the consumer the NFL wants either.


Here is how I over-analyze and rank them.

When I am going to a sporting event, I care about cost and if I can figure out what the fuck is going on. So with that…I say my top two are baseball and college basketball. Its easy to follow in person. Generally the cost is pretty low. A lot of baseball stadiums, like the O’s, allow you to bring in your own food and sodas. So its fucking cheap as shit compared to other sports. College basketball can be just as cheap and the atmosphere can be fantastic. And both…I have no problem bringing my nieces to.

NHL is fun, but thanks to HDTV, its just easier to follow on TV. The cost for an NHL game is insane. I used to go to minor league games all the time when I was stationed in Norfolk and it cost me more than going to the fucking Orioles.

NFL is the worst. The cost involved just encourages people to get fucking obliterated before the game. Now I am a drunk. I got no problem with people drinking to excess. But I do it properly, in the comfort of my home or the dumpster behind my local 7-11. You can’t see shit most of the time. The people around you are fucking idiots. Its miserably cold. College football is a bit better, just cause you have Sunday to promise yourself never to be that stupid again and recover for work. I would never dream of taking my nieces to an NFL game to get vomited on and cursed at. Its an expensive lesson about the dregs of human society.

Sill Bimmons

Meanwhile, from somewhere deep inside Roger Goodell’s transverse colon…


I disagree. I have young children and a wife who don’t give a fuck about football. Going to the games (especially on the company dime) is wonderful and is more enjoyable than watching the game at home. I even own a bunch of Broncos shit now to wear so I can garner good will with coworkers and folks from other businesses without them ever knowing the truth about my Bears fandom. MUUHWAHAHAHAHAHA . ..

Also, I feel some sympathy for the retired players that are all brain damaged, but I don’t like that the media seems to absolve them of their own fault and involvement in playing the game. That would be like feeling bad for the lifetime cigarette smokers who claim that they didn’t know it had detrimental health effects, as they are huffing and wheezing down the street. “What’s that? You mean repeatedly smashing my head into other people can cause brain damage? NO. FUCKING. WAY. I had no idea. How could you do this to me, NFL?!?!11/?”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

If you do it right the Bears and Donks colors are close enough to get neutral between the two. Don’t let anyone think Syracuse tho.


My favorite part of going to the Bears-[*Redacted] s game this year was a guy asking me if the #8 on the field was Rex Grossman. (We Chicagoans definitely miss those throwgasms.) I mean, where else can you spend $100+ to get in and hear people be clueless about the other team?



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Bears fan 25-35 min away from where the Packers play. Once a year someone gifts me tickets to a game (normally for my birthday/sometimes early xmas). Most have been Bears/Packers but sometimes it is Packers/Who gives a fuck. I say I hate watching football live often and repeatedly but can’t be a dick if someone gives me tickets. I would much rather watch it on my HD screen, drink an entire bottle of shitty whiskey that costs as much as one beer, maybe have redzone or another game on my computer and toggle between that and posting comments on a comedy football blog

Only sport I actually like watching live, or at least hate watching live the least is hockey


I don’t even bother trying to get tickets in Foxboro. It’s not worth the hassle and the expense of paying to park then paying the insane price to get in and then add the price for beer.

Instead I’ll spend the same amount, if not more, on a train ticket, hotel, and Rangers tickets in New York. But then at least I get a weekend in New York out of the deal.

Bloody Lethal

I only went to Foxboro once. The Giants got a win and I decided I never needed to go back.


Just like beerguyrob – I too, enjoy going up for my Seahawks games, because I do treat it like a vacation. Granted, it is a vacation I take 8-10 times a year (whoo preseason!), but still a vacation. I share one of my seats with my favorite cousin and the other 2 seats with a long time friend. The other regulars around me have also become a little family – there’s a former Seahawks cheerleader to my left, who always gives me dirt on the current squad; the “I’ve had season tickets since 1976” guy in front of me, who always has a “we were louder in the King Dome this one game” story; the guy behind me who brings a different hot chick to each game and almost every one actually knows football, so it’s a win-win there. We’ve traded Xmas presents, I’ve attended 2 baby showers, seen 3 different guys get married and start bringing their wives to the games… it’s reached the point that I keep returning for them as opposed to what’s offered on the field – outside of the success the Seahawks have had the past few seasons. During the Jim Mora years when I lived in Hawaii and couldn’t attend every game, I couldn’t GIVE away my seats to anyone I knew, I donated them to a cancer charity for good karma points (plus tax write offs!). Naturally, those people who refused my tickets then, have been clamoring all season for me to give them tickets now. They got told to go eat a bag of dicks.

On my little sentimental side of things, over the last 11 years of tickets I’ve taken at least 1 person a season to their first ever live NFL game. I always walk them up the steps from the north end zone, out onto the deck overlooking the field, just so they can have that rush of seeing the stadium, the field, the people, the players, the everything… it’s kind of special to me to have that opportunity to give that to someone.

/feels over


I’m the same way with season tickets for the Ravens – we’ve become quite a tight group up there with the rest of the rabble. We also have Real Fan Dan, a really nice guy who’s bald and leads the stadium in spelling out the ravens name and takes his shirt off to show his immense white belly – he was name checked by Harbaugh at the last press conference – and when he was put on the Jumbotron, Flacco smiled.

Also, going to games I get to drink beer and ask my best friend why in fuck girls didn’t dress in yoga pants when we were in college. Now, I feel like a dirty old man, but I still look, I’m not dead or anything.

My sons have been to games and like you, I get a blast out of their reactions. Their eyes are everywhere at once. So, yeah the experience is worth the bucks.


I’ve also flown my father out for Eagles games a few times – his father used to take him to all the Eagles games way back when. They were part of the crowd who infamously boo’d Santa Claus out of the stadium. So it’s really neat that I can take him to Eagles games now.


Things got awkward this year when the couple beside me divorced and had to split the tickets. He had a new girl, and she had loneliness. Her girl(space)friends were cute.

I too have given people their first games, and it’s always fun to be a part of that.

Also, my brother had Canucks tickets for years, and I got to go to the Cup Final in 2011 when work fucked him over. It feels like I’m paying him back for that privilege, which is a good thing. His wife is a Seattle sports fan, so gifting/sharing the seats with him helps with the permission for overnight stays.

Shogun Marcus

I get to do the same bringing people to Lambeau with the family’s season tickets. Being at home gets better and better every year, but seeing that thrill through someone else’s eyes makes it worth it.

Bloody Lethal

Balls- may I call you Balls? Great.

While I hear what you’re saying here, there’s nothing that compares to watching a sport live in person for me. Game atmosphere and the possibility of seeing something incredible happen live are just big pros for me. Some of my best memories are of football games at the old Giants stadium. Some of my best mammaries are at those games too, when people would coax chicks into debasing themselves. I watched the Giants beat the Packers in Lambeau before bankrupting myself to see them win for the second time against the Pats. Those trips and the games are backdrops to great times in my life. I love to sit up in the upper deck at Yankee Stadium and take in the ball game without broadcasts zooming in on the guys face instead of showing the where the runners are. ESPN is particularly horrible at broadcasting baseball, tending to miss at least a pitch in every at bat.

Hockey is, to me, the purest, most enjoyable sport to watch. That’s as I’ve gotten older. I saw the Rangers beat the Bruins late in the 3rd last night and we lost it! It’s an event.

The overwrought process of staying glued to a TV to listen to someone I hate talk about everything but the actual game while I have to stomach as many commercials as they can fit while I pray that I can actually see the play (if they’re not cable camming it or zooming in on the opposing managers ugly mug), is TOO MUCH. It takes away from the game for me.

So at this point, tickets are about all I’ll spend my money on.

Bloody Lethal

I just wanted an excuse to write mammaries.

Shogun Marcus

Lethal Balls,

You’re both right, both excellent, and have given me reason to write Lethal Balls. Thank you.


Between Hurricane Sandy destroying my house (flood insurance and lawyers not me later- A NEW HOUSE!) and a son playing high school football for the last few years, dumping Jets tickets was not a hard decision.NOT AT ALL. Further they said they could but would not go after us for unpaid PSL cash. Free legal advice-THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS FRANCHISE WILL EVER SUE IT’S OWN FANS FOR PSL MONEY.

Your couch or barroom is way cheaper. And it doesn’t include a 4 hour wait/drive at the end of what was usually a shitty football game anyway.


Now that the exchange rate blows, I may have to give up my Seahawks tickets. $1.43 as of this morning!

I do enjoy going to the games, I guess because each time I go it is like a small vacation: I stay at my brother’s; we go night drinking; we go early and day drink; we have dinner afterwards. Then it’s a late-night border crossing, a possible breathalyzer, and then work the next day.

Mind you, I went to a game in Oakland this year, and that was proof Mark Davis hates the fans.

As a Canadian, it’s always fun to visit US hockey rinks, mostly because you can walk up and buy tickets – or find them aboot at a discount. There’s usually nice bars around, and they have a much better selection of beers than inside. The pat-down is also less-stringent than at NFL games.

We had the NBA in Vancouver for 6 years – Big Country wasn’t the best ambassador. Fuck Steve Francis.


These guys are the best ambassadors. I saw them play in Edinburgh a couple of years ago.


Because I’m elusive and never directly said it? Gotta keep the feds off my trail.

I keep meaning to hit Risk up for a drink. I’ll time it for Spring Break; maybe take in a WHL game.


You were too busy looking for MolsonIceBuddyRobPal.

Lost the forest right in the trees….

Sill Bimmons

I think it’s safe to say that almost anyone who ever heard/saw David Bowie was influenced by him in some way, and I am no exception.

As many of us do, a young Sill Bimmons entertained many ideas about what he could do with his brief flicker of time. One of these was to play the bass guitar. I could play that Minor Threat shit.

Around this time I was introduced to real music in the form of Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull, &tc and, of course, David Bowie.

It was in trying to play David Bowie songs that I realized that I was hopeless as a musician and was never going to be any good at the bass guitar. I later went to my first of many Bowie concerts and saw the reason why there are so few people on stage and so many more in the crowd.

What an amazing human being.

Shogun Marcus

The man was just cool, period. He had “it,” that intangible quality we all wish to have for just a moment if we’re lucky. He, much like Lemmy just before him, had enough it to last multiple full lifetimes. It almost angers you. But then you see them, hear them, and you just grin stupidly, because goddamnit…they’re just cool.


I told both my sons that this year we will go see more Orioles games. It’s a beautiful park, and I can tick off that “Quality Time” box on the list given to me by Frau Fozz.

Here are the ground rules: eat before we go, you get one drink and one pretzel inside, no souvenirs, no shirts, no pennants. We sit in the cheap seats and appreciate the game.

Then my smart ass eldest says, “So, what about you buying beers? They’re expensive.”

His new parents live in some hellhole in Eastern Europe, and I have all the money I need to buy beer at the ballpark.

Sill Bimmons

He didn’t know about beerble…


comment image


I must still be fully vested on this goddamn game because the Vikings loss on Sunday was like (another) death in the family, losing Bowie didn’t help either.
Then I asked myself “why?”
Why bring this pain and physical suffering to my self for a fucking game?
My only answer is because I always have.
It’s like an addicted gambler still playing the roulette wheel after 53 consecutive losses. One of these days it may really happen and I’ve been suffering with this team since the beginning and I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to miss that!

Actually when you spell it out like that it really is pretty fucking stupid.

When is the draft again?


Here’s the kicker: your team goes all the way, wins the Super Bowl, so what do you get?

Exhilaration that lasts until you sober up, a parade held in freezing ass cold, and an entire new bonanza of merchandise to purchase (fuck that I never did) that says “SOOPER BOUL WINNERZ XXLIX!”


Don’t forget the new tattoo!


And the picture of the Ryan brothers.


The upside to the fleeting nature of victory exhilaration though is that the losses don’t hurt as much as they used to, either. Hell, the last Super Bowl was won by the Patriots, and Nick Fucking Satan just won another national championship, and I’m able to shrug it off and go on with my life.

I have become comfortably numb.


Welcome to the machine.

Old School Zero

Ha ha, “here’s the kicker”, nice.


(psst…don’t say “kicker” to a Vikings fan)


Oh. I see my comment was superfluous. Sorry to all.


I’m sure some of them logged in after leaving FedEx Field on Sunday night.

King Hippo

I can’t quite go so far on the merchandise thing, but I buy a fleece, hat, or coffee mug maybe once every 2-3 years, so it’s really fucking pennies they get from me. I just buy off amazon because it’s easiest, and I’m not worried about card security or quality.

Don’t buy any of the super high end shit anyway, because I am as cheap as I am lazy.


I bought a cheap Bears t-shirt a year or two ago and that’s all the money has gotten from me that isn’t scooped out the cable carriage fees I pay.

It’s actually pretty easy to avoid giving the NFL money directly.


Only 39 years in America? GO BACK TO CANADA, TED CRUZ!


Errrr… 35 years. Reading is hard.


Meh, Donald Trump doesn’t bother with facts either.

Sill Bimmons

The sad thing about this latest round of Birtherism is that if anyone in the media cared about reporting the truth it would never have existed.

Just like Obama, it doesn’t matter where Ted Cruz was born. He could have been born in Lenin’s Tomb in Moscow ad he’d still be a US citizen. Their mothers are both US citizens so they are both US citizens regardless of where they were born.

This whole thing should have been dead in 2007, but the media saw a perfect opportunity to create a huge story where none existed and here we are.


If you revise “the media” to “Fox News and the rest of the right wing press” then I’ll agree with this sentiment.

Sill Bimmons

The fact that the “respectable” media doesn’t call them on their bullshit makes them even more culpable than the clowns who made it all up.


Also, since they don’t totally disprove them, the “other media” can react to them, and pump up their own ratings.

Fuck the media.


Its the human centipede of bullshit.


You can almost admire the fact he’s doubling down on the stupid and applying it in a bipartisan manner.

Actually, no you can’t. Fuck him.


No; you broke him, you bought him. We have NickleBieber to deal with.


But won’t someone think of the children!?

By children I mean Dan Snyder.


I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Oh, this IS your newsletter? Well then I guess I’m already subscribed.


Pfff….lookieyou all catering to millenials and their shitty attention spans and instant gratification. The fundamental flaw with every single sports league is that it is real and, thus, leaves too much to chance. We see highlights of OBJ catches and Taylor Mayes USC targeting and say, “Yeah, that’s football! That’s the product I am tuning in to see!” But even if you sped up the game, killed the defensive rule restrictions, and replaced the old pigskin with an actual live greased pig, the game is still 95+% the same old shit. Bubble screens and tackle zones on 3rd and 1 near midfield. “Eli bootlegs left from the 10, nobody is open, and he’ll just take a knee and run out the clock instead of throwing it into the stands and bringing out the kicking team.” Commercials (they ain’t going away). Downing the ball once the team in the lead gets possession after the 2-min warning. Unless Sill put together a wacky PPR league where simply holding on to an 8 yard crossing route is worth 18 points, most of the NFL plays are bbbbooooorrrrriiiiinnnnnggggggg. Oh sure, field position, fantasy stats, dick joke potential — but all that shit really matters to only a few people.

The next generation is post-millenials (life spans of 80 years but will require 81 years of higher education to qualify for their first unpaid internship) and they don’t have time for all the filler that has to happen to create a late game “Touchdown Seahawks!” moment. For them, every at bat in a baseball game needs to START WITH bottom of the 9th, down by 3, bases loaded. Every intersection light has only a yellow. Every NBA inbounds pass has to come during a triple-OT tie game AND the result has to be a windmill dunk that shatters the backboard.

Point is: people are bad and I agree with Balls — the NFL is garbage. The kind of football I want to see can only be played in Coach Duchesses league.


I read that as “windmill drunk” and flashed back to playing miniature golf in Ocean City, MD when I was completely shit faced and one of my friends knocked over a fake volcano or something.

Sill Bimmons

/takes up gauntlet

Sill Bimmons

You can have my RedZone when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

King Hippo

But you can also have cable RedZone without Sunday Ticket. It’s part of the standard $9 or so a month “sports tier” that I would pay for anyway to have access to NFLN, Pac 12 and Big 10 Networks, all the weird soccer channels, etc. because I simply MUST HAVE all the channel flipping options possible for my weekend and/or boring weeknight viewing.

Without cable, you might as well just shoot me in the head now (I understand that’s the trend, there’s just NO WAY I can do it, far too antisocial, and I can’t imagine reading any more than I already do).

Sill Bimmons

That’s how I do it.

I can’t get satellite where I live so Directv isn’t an option.


You get Red Zone as a part of your special sports tier? Fuck my cable company.

I mean, really, they just upped my bill again and I’m ready to threaten them by switching to an even shittier cable company.

King Hippo

yeah, and I have a Time Warner monopoly where I live, so I can’t imagine it gets any shittier than that.


One word: Comcast


This picture makes Jesus sad.

Don T

The revenue sharing + hard cap/floor do distinguish the NFL from other pro leagues. So economic disparity is not a factor for an NFL team’s era(s) of sucking.

Shit; that is worse for a fan of a bad team.

Oh, I once went to an Avalanche game. I agree 100% with your description of live NHL. I’d go again to any game in a heartbeat. NFL? Well, if the tickets were comped, sure.

King Hippo

yeah, I do like that element of the NFL. Takes away excuses for accountability. I also love the fact that all these spoiled asshole billionaires basically rely on market socialism to make their little venture work.

Don T

Yes, definitely. Though I can imagine Rozelle / Tagliabue / Goodell persuading owners with “It’s not socialism; we’re a cartel”.


You say “try to stick a finger in your butt” like it’s a bad thing.


My prostate ain’t gonna massage itself!


I watched “Girls” once