Your “Throwing In The Towel” Wednesday Open Thread

(FYI: his name was Max; he was a rescued dog; he died of cancer at 8; he was the bestest.)

The Browns paraded their top draft picks before the media. Something seems a little off about the picture:

Wouldn’t you line them up the other way? If this were Carolina, I’d say it was so the white guy could be first despite 3/5ths of the picks being non-white. But this is Cleveland, so they’re all probably fucked regardless of order. Far be it from me to question the man – Paul DePodesta – who helped the A’s win all those World Series in the early 2000s. And I’m sure Hue Jackson knows what he’s doing. The Factory’s gonna be fine.

Pretty scary story about Duane Brown of the Texans testing positive for clenbuterol after visiting Mexico. He was able to avoid the suspension by being able to prove that it was given to beef cattle, not to him. Still, how much carne asada did he eat down there that he tested positive? I don’t know how comfortable I’d have been trusting Roger Goodell to believe in science. “Mexican Meat” sounds like a ‘Ron Mexico’ excuse.. Meanwhile, Cameron Jordan had the right attitude.

Meat tainted with clenbuterol

Politics: This is how I picture Donald Trump surveying the Republican field this afternoon:

Lots of people have already made the Cruz-aborting-his-campaign joke, so why repeat it here? I want to beat other stuff to death. Like, for example, who will he pick as his VP nominee? I’m assuming they have already told him it can’t be his son. I don’t think he’d pick a female running mate, given all the negative press he’s gotten related to women during the primaries; plus, it would look like pandering. Right now, given all the people who initially lined up against him, the crowd seems relatively small. Potential choices could be:

John Kasich


Former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels



Marco Rubio


Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates


Or New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Once Hillary finally despatches Bernie, there will be the protocol of the conventions and then the OH-GOD-WHEN-WILL-IT-END of the fall campaign. And if you think football will be our blessed saviour, just remember who’ll be filling those Fan Duel ad spots on Fox & CBS. Don’t forget state initiatives and those crazy bastards running for Congress. Here’s how CNN projects the states to break down come the fall:

Road to 270 The general election map

Don’t think your state is safe. Do you think Boston/New England TV will escape the pernicious onslaught of “Donny & TAWMMMY” ads? Not thanks to New Hampshire! Live free or die, indeed. We’re doomed, I tell you. DOOMED! Whaddya think, J-Law?

General note: Spare a kind thought for the people of Fort McMurray, Alberta.

This is what it looks like when you have to evacuate 60000 people in 6 hours because the wind shifted.

NASA provided a shot from space:


Canadian Commentists are encouraged to donate here.

Personal note: I’m going to be in Nashville from May 9-12, as the +1 to a conference my lovely wife is attending. If the Predators somehow make it to a Game 6, you know I’ll be there. Please to be providing in the comments recommendations for bars, barbecue, and general entertainment.

The games! A very light schedule tonight.

NHL: Capitals @ Penguins – 8:00 – Game 4

NBA: Hawks @ Cavs – 8:00 – Game 2

A final aside, if my math is correct – and it should be; I’m a History major – on April 30th at 12:19 AM, theeWeeBabySeamus posted DFO’s 175,000th comment:

A significant statement for a significant milestone. It was attached to a YouTube of Rush’s “Leave That Thing Alone”. Number 200,000 will most likely be something by Moose. WHAT’S THAT OCTOPUS DOING TO THAT LADY?!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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That one brings back a lot of fond memories.
’83 was a good year for tWBS.


Golden Earring – Twilight Zone


Moar ’83
Eurythmics -Here Comes the Rain Again


Welp, I need to get up in a few hours for a crosscountry flight, so I’m off to bed. As always, fuck cancer, fuck Nickelback, and fuck the St. Louis Cardinals.


Green Day – Stay the Night


Mighty Lemon Drops – Inside Out

Holy shit the singer is creepy. I don’t think he’s physically capable of showing emotion.


For about 3 months back in the late 80s I really liked them a lot.
Good band, but not much staying power.

It’s a good song. I like their style for sure.


Yep that was back during the IRS records days and everyone was looking for the next REM. Also, MTV still played music.



Tonight’s edition of love the song/hate the band
(apologies to WCS who may throw things at me now)
Nickelback – Rockstar

They get way too much hate. Some of it is deserved sure and it’s all just basic commercialized music but they’ve had more than a few sweet jams over the years.


They have a few songs I like, but by and large I skip over ’em.
But they do have a good sense of humor about their “reputation”, so I always have to give them props for that.

I actually had tickets to see them with my girlfriend last January but we never went. I had been sick for two months and my girlfriend said if I didn’t suck it up and go to that concert with her she’d dump me. In a twist of fate they ended up cancelling their tour the night before the show due to Chad having surgery for throat polyps. Needless to say the relationship didn’t last long after that.


My condolences goes out to you, Beerguy Rob. Max looks like quite the character. As always, fuck Cancer.


What’s “WCS” mean?



Back on another website, my handle may or may not or may have been Creed’s real name, which everyone at that other site shortened to what you refer to me now.


The other website was AshleyMadison, wasn’t it?


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Shut up…


A wonderful parody meme making fun of the media and their guarantees:

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Wood Buffalo?

Anything I should know about you Canadians?


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Covalent Blonde

No.. Noooooo you do not!


I thought you were a Sharks fan?

Covalent Blonde

I secretly have a dream of a Caps v. Sharks Cup Final. Obviously, I would love for SJ to take it home, but if the Caps one I would be fairly elated, too. In the Eastern, they are my staple.


Once again, I sometimes hate being fucking right.
Momentum really swung now.
This sucks.


This calls for a denial double shot…

Weezer – Say It Ain’t So

Weezer – Do Ya Wanna Get High?


Covalent Blonde

God fucking dammit


Still one of my favorite scenes.
“Here, I’ll make it easy on you”
“Ohhh…you can make it not so easy”


Sorry, just got here…as a dog enthusiast, and current owner of a dog named Max, sorry for your loss. Dogs are the best, and I will fight anyone who disagrees. Or just disagree. Still, dogs are awesome, and I’m sure Max was an awesome dog.


We’re sorry you just got here too.

Senor Weaselo

Yankees… score 7 runs? Yankees… win? No, that can’t be right.


Btw, I’m sorry about your dog. Max looks like he was a good dog (yes he does yes he does)


This game is going to make hyperventilate.

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I’m so bored.


Time to find sexy pics of ice Alouettes fans


Finally got the fucking drive running. I got it working on this piece of shit motor. Set up cameras so I don’t have a bunch of shitheads in suits walking around rotating machinery.

I should just go to sleep…but fuck it. I am cooking a pot of Ben’s Chili from the place in DC and I will fucking hot box that room like fucking crazy tomorrow.


Re Trump’s running psycho: Rubio was in Iraq yesterday doing diplomatic stuff. Assuming he isn’t backdooring Trump, I’d take a guess in that he’ll be the one running with him.

If not him, I’m thinking he goes off the board and picks someone like Ann Coulter or Meg Kelly or someone of that ilk


Hahaha… Megyn Kelly would be great mostly because I imagine her putting his balls in a jar and running the country with him as a puppet.


After a week of nothing but vetoes a month in his presidency, I suspect that is what would happen. …Or he rages into a blackmailing machine and we get the darkest timeline


I just can’t see Trump having the desire to actually govern. I could see him walking away from the job after a year when he realizes it’s not like sitting atop a corporate dictating whatever you want and doing Pizza Hut commercials.

Senor Weaselo

This would be rolling a 1.


In the end, as long as Trump keeps talking non-pc and is a “straight-shooter,” he has a fighting chance against either Hillary or Bernie (hey, he’s still in it).


That Non-PC schtick has limited appeal. A majority of Americans just see it as pandering the people blaming their situation on someone further down the social totem poll.

Trump’s net favorability has hovered at -30 or so for most of the past year. *A LOT* of people don’t like him and Trump netting even 40% of voters still has him losing very, very badly.


The net favorability thing you are referring to is from the Wash post right? That thing is a broken compass and has been wrong this entire time.

All these #taeks from news media putlets keep saying Trump is a joke and nobody should take him seriously, and yet he is steam rolling everyone.

This is relevant:


He’s steamrolling REPUBLICANS. Wimpy, disorganized, unlikable Republicans being voted on by a self-selecting group of Republicans. When the general population is asked what they think, they don’t say good things.

And no, the “a lot of people were wrong” line isn’t an argument and it lends nothing to understanding Trump’s chances in the general.


That doesn’t help me, damnit!

/isn’t winning his playoffs pool as the Kings made sure of that last round


I have a flight in less than eleven hours. Who wants to finish my laundry so I can focus on making myself a drink?


Disagree with your thinking on Trump picking a female running mate. With Hillary all but assured to be the nominee, he could use a proxy to launch attacks that would be otherwise considered sexist coming from a man.

I actually thought he’d pick Fiorina since she has nothing to lose and has proven herself willing to snuggle up to any teet that gives her the attention milk she thirsts for, but now she’d be sloppy seconds.


Queen Palin of The North! You betcha!



Because Trump cares about people calling him sexist?


It doesn’t matter if he cares, it matters that women care.

He needs to be sure women–more than half the electorate–don’t bail on him. Even a few percentage point shift in female support from 2012 and this will be a landslide in favor of Clinton.


I really don’t see women who lean towards or already supporting him somehow bailing on him for being sexist towards Hillary Clinton of all people.


It’s more mobilizing women to come out against him. I don’t think he has a ton of support among women to begin with.

And a lot of women like Hillary and what she’d represent if she won. They’re easily the most important voting block in this election.

Horatio Cornblower

Drumpf could pick me as his running mate and I still wouldn’t vote for him.


I don’t think the G.O.P. establishment gets to make the pick–Trump does.

Now, perhaps the party cuts a deal with him that they give him support by choosing his running mate for him. That being said, I can’t imagine any ambitious Republicans wanting their name right beside Trump if his campaign goes tits up.


Ernst is more likely than Martinez. The latter is dumber than the rocks thrown at trump rallies.


Ernst makes some sense. I don’t think the G.O.P. would mind offering up a Tea Party dolt as a sacrifice, but I’m not sure they’d want to leave an open seat in Iowa that could readily be flipped.


Very, very nice.

She’s keeper as long as she despises Mark Messier with everything in her heart


Since politics got brought up again (and I worked in that business for all of my career until last year), Low Commander said something about Nikki Haley seeming like good people; she’s a good retail politician but not very bright and definitely not the “doing it for you” variety.


Who has scored in the game?


PIT: Daley and Cullen
WAS: Beagle


Well, piss.

Don T

I could listen to Les Breastfeeders all nite.
Was that a Labatt’s Bleue Dry ad? Yes, yes it was.


That’s crazy about the Fort McMurray fires. Have they adressed the elephant in the room and mention that the fires wouldn’t be so bad if not for the insane drug culture up there? There’s a lot of good Bros up there, but man they love their cocaine and hookers.

American Pie Story

hey that’s not the hangry button


Bob Lenarduzzi of the Whitecaps stated he thinks the Caps and Liouns have a drastically different fan base. Huh? As a former season ticket holder of the Liouns (8 years) and frequent Caps attendee, I can honestly say outside of 15-20% of the hardcore bas of both teams,, they have the same clientele. Absolutely ridiculous and poor pulse on your market


Most of the crowd at these games are 20 to 30 somethings who go to the games, then head to the club or titty bars (#5 Orange) right after. #footballfamily

American Pie Story

hey guys, how ya doing
yesterday was kinda crazy


Do tell.




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American Pie Story

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American Pie Story


American Pie Story
American Pie Story

Moose always gets it

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

‘It’ being some burn spots on what I’m grilling; so be it.


That’s not the burning I expected you to mention.


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Senor Weaselo

That’s kinda creepy.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wait until he makes a sandwich.


Mission accomplished.


Ice Stillers tie it up, 1-1!

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Don T

Shout out to the Wall Street Journal op-ed page:

“The Puerto Rican refugees will also be able to vote. […] A congressional default would relegate the island to economic paralysis, and Florida and Puerto Rican voters to the Democrats for years to come.”

Democrat welfare refugees. I’m not even mad; I wish we could disgust that guy even more.

Senor Weaselo

American citizens will be able to vote? I NEVER!


You mean, “NEVER!”


So around 330 pm today, my boss walks to my desk…

“JSD…were are we with the drive in the basement?”

“which one?”

“The one you are rebuilding. You know…Dave exploded?”


“We we have some government officials coming in from the state capital for a meet and greet. So I was told you had it up and running and ready”

“Who the hell told you that?!? WHY WOULD’NT YOU ASK ME?!? I SIT 12 FEET FROM YOUR DESK!!! Jesus…when is this?”

“Starts at 8am. I thought I told you about this…you know…hour long presentation and some Q&A. So where are we on this?”

“Where are we on what….the thing you just told me about now? The drive is in about 200 pieces. I don’t have a stable drive file….I will have the drive running tomorrow. I make no promise on my level of sobriety. I am wearing my Spartacus League necktie. You fucking owe me”

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Don T

I’m a sucker for bourgeois / proletariat talk. Of course it’s ideological claptrap, but it makes my brain feel horny.


The U.S. ends up electing someone ill-equipped in every conceivable way to the Presidency?

/not that far-fetched…


It’s amazing for as often as that’s happened that the world is still intact.


Eh, we survived 2001-2008, we’ll survive this.


My clinic professor/advisor is a black Bill Lumberg. Same clothing style, mannerisms, carrying around that damn coffee mug, etc. It was surreal working for him.


Yep, the north of my province is on fire, evacuated a town of 110k and they say it will be worse than the Slave Lake fires which wiped out every building house for 2, not kidding. The whole town will be burnt to a crisp, but climate change still isn’t a thing right?

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

“Tell me about it. I lost a lot of good property up there during that fire…”

–Jerry Richardson

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


His insurance only compensated him for 3/5th of his losses.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

CNN saying that Arizona “leans Republican” is a lot like saying that “Johnny Manziel is kind of out of touch with reality.”

It’s a bit of an understatement.


Johnny Manziel IS the “The Thin-Lipped Not Wonder-Kid!”


Fun fact: “mug shot” is how JFF refers to the “coffee” that he drinks first thing in the morning.


Okay, by the time I reached the Robert Gates picture, I had to stop and collect myself. By Chris Christie I laughed so hard I scared the dog.


“As they say in the U.S. Navy, there is no wrong hole.” — George Carlin


How did our 175k comment not make fivethirtyeights sigdigs?

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That image makes me want to vomit.

Senor Weaselo

Performance went well, I posted a ron_paul_its_happening.gif before playing, had lunch with my family and my conductor (who I’ve mentioned once or twice), all is well. Except for the part where the Yanks will lose this game Many-1.


175k…not sure to be proud…or sad…

Senor Weaselo

I think it’s great hustle!

/smacks every Commentist on the ass, HARD