Welcome back to the Beat! Last week, there were a pair of controversial decisions and neither of them were Chomp's fight. Also three robots went 0-3 crippling their chances of making the big end-of-season playoff bracket. This week, we have all sorts of crazy matchups, including my favorite-looking bot, Warhead.
Author: Senor Weaselo
Your “As I Am An Honest Puck” Tuesday Night MLB All-Star Game Open Thread
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEkcP8lZvZA Yup, that's where I went with the title. Because as I mentioned last year, I did have the fortune to go to the 2008 game, and it was a midsummer night's dream to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdR6MN2jKYs …If you think that joke's bad, wait until I tell you about the piece one of my
Your “Who Even Are These Guys?” Monday Evening Home Run Derby Thread
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Mama Said Knock You Out
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Bring Back Bil Dwyer!
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Go for 3!
Welcome back to the Beat! Last time out, the Dutch had a rough go, Chomp learned about the foibles of technology, and we met a robot that had a… pneumatic fist as its weapon, and the Internets responded as you'd expect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDekhoeEoCc Fister Roboto Bale Spear does not make an appearance in
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Flippin’ Frenzy
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Baby, It’s Cold Inside
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: No Tapping Out
BattleBots Beat: Just How Much Tech Can Be Wrecked?
2018 World Cup Preview: Iceland
Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Hit of the Year Already?
Welcome to Senor's BattleBots Beat, the best BattleBots review series that posts on Thursdays… that doesn't routinely mention a "Bad Dragon." (Just a hunch, don't Google that one at work. Or at your family computer.) Last week, we had some fantastic fights and rumbles, and Tombstone and Minotaur nearly broke the