Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Fun With Flags!

No, this is not the Sheldon Cooper Big Bang Theory segment. This is part 2 of Senor's spring break, where Senorita Weaselo and I went upstate and checked out a Buddhist Temple outside of Poughkeepsie. It was really windy that day, so after seeing absolutely no one there (is there

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Senor’s Spring Break Update

Well last week was fun. I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRh2MB8fuXs I'd say all in all, fun was had by most, and it's just how I drew it up, a multi-goal game from Tyler Motte. The bridge level at the Garden is a really good vantage

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Musician’s Brief Guide to Holy Week

Greetings friends. I'd like you to take this time to be kind to your church musician friends. They're going through the crazy part of the schedule. As this is Holy Week, the one where they've got things all the damn time for the next four days, starting tomorrow. Holy/Maundy Thursday?

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Your BattleBots Beat Bracket Watch

The season starts back up tomorrow because of the midseason Madness break. Because they don't want BattleBots competing with the chaos that has ensued. (FAU? Hooty hoot, motherfuckas!) Anyway, I've been keeping track, fightwise and done my own crib notes. I'd call it Bubble Watch, but ESPN took that. I know

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: QAARON’S QAVE WATQH

Man, am I gonna look dumb if he makes a decision between now (it is 11:12 Eastern) and when this goes up. But anyway, the NFL world continues to wait on Aaron Rodgers, who's come out of his darkness retreat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ojczn6rfvY RIP Charlie Murphy and Rick James. and didn't specifically say anything about

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Quarantine Buddies!

No fun facts about music and stuff this week. The big thing at Apartment Weaselo is that Senorita Weaselo's staying the next few days, for the most part. Her family's getting hit with covid. She's fine because she's in the basement, but it means she can't come up for food.