Back in the XX Century, university class schedules converted Thursdays into Drinking Days. They’ve been that way ever since, confirmed by Friday hangovers. Recently, Wednesdays became Positive Days, thanks to tWBS’s ”Wednesday Motivational”. Man I miss that guy. /presses Play /crushes the Mute button Lately it’s been suckier than a Jets late afternoon
Author: Don T
The Team No One Wants to Play
Titans fever is raging. Kicker Stephen Gostkowski recovered from crippling yips after missing four kicks and an XP in Week One, and has kicked deciders in all games so far. Of greater concern to opponents: ruthless DL Jeffery Simmons, QB Tannehill spraying passes all over, and a virulent home atmosphere.
Your “Things May Turn Out Tolerable” Open Thread
Zero Expectations – 2020 Black Panthers Preview
The notable carryovers from last year's Black Panthers are Christian McCaffrey and their motto: “Keep pounding”—incidentally, tWBS’s mission statement regarding female service staff across North America. / pours out hand sanitizer for Seamus // puts sanitizer in hand, deep inhale Duly deluded about the NFL season starting in September, let’s talk Carolina fitbaw. Last
Your “Struggling With The Façade” Monday Open Thread
Dear Spawn:
It Will Be OK Eventually
Wednesday Motivational: Thank You, TWBS
For real: The Wee Baby Seamus died on Monday (natural causes), and we found out yesterday through a relative. It’s heartbreaking. TWBS was one of the best friends anyone could have. We were lucky to know him. TWBS had outstanding qualities: bright, generous, more doer than talker--among many others (“A loyal
Commentist Cabin Fever
Talking Pandemic – With Special Guest
DFO talked to convicted murderer and anti-technology ideologue Theodore Ted Kaczynski about COVID-19. Commonly known as The Unabomber, Mr. Kach— Ted Kaczynski: Wait. Ideologue? Do not insult me. Door Flies Open: May I finish the voiceover? Ted Kaczynski: No. You told me this was a TED talk. Door Flies Open: Via Ted Kaczynski: Yesterday a
Your “Have Some ResPEK” Open Thread
Stick It to The Man – 2020 New Year’s Eve Open Thread
Yep. 2019 was a year of upheaval and rebellion. Here's some highlights, starting with the Colin Kaepernick workout. The NFL threw Kaep a bone—well, actually, the bone was shot out of a bazooka aimed at his head. With zero anticipation, the league foisted the tryout for a midseason Saturday. From the