Let’s Get Positive! Starring, the NFL

Back in the XX Century, university class schedules converted Thursdays into Drinking Days. They’ve been that way ever since, confirmed by Friday hangovers. Recently, Wednesdays became Positive Days, thanks to tWBS’s ”Wednesday Motivational”. Man I miss that guy. /presses Play /crushes the Mute button Lately it’s been suckier than a Jets late afternoon

Your “Things May Turn Out Tolerable” Open Thread

Beerguyrob is off tonight. The last time I subbed, I wished for BGR to be rollicking in mirth. Rob ended up having a partially dislocated shoulder and Riga blew out her ACL.  So for tonight, Beerguyrob: I hope your mother is redecorating her place and slathers the guilt on so

Zero Expectations – 2020 Black Panthers Preview

The notable carryovers from last year's Black Panthers are Christian McCaffrey and their motto: “Keep pounding”—incidentally, tWBS’s mission statement regarding female service staff across North America. / pours out hand sanitizer for Seamus // puts sanitizer in hand, deep inhale Duly deluded about the NFL season starting in September, let’s talk Carolina fitbaw. Last

Your “Struggling With The Façade” Monday Open Thread

Beerguyrob is off tonight, hopefully rollicking in mirth. He deserves nothing less. Me? I’m in a foul mood. Didn’t want to say anything, but 2020 is starting to irk. After four months of lockdown, in the midst of a tyranny, you start to look for a silver lining to grab onto,

Wednesday Motivational: Thank You, TWBS

For real: The Wee Baby Seamus died on Monday (natural causes), and we found out yesterday through a relative. It’s heartbreaking. TWBS was one of the best friends anyone could have. We were lucky to know him. TWBS had outstanding qualities: bright, generous, more doer than talker--among many others (“A loyal

Talking Pandemic – With Special Guest

DFO talked to convicted murderer and anti-technology ideologue Theodore Ted Kaczynski about COVID-19. Commonly known as The Unabomber, Mr. Kach— Ted Kaczynski: Wait. Ideologue? Do not insult me. Door Flies Open: May I finish the voiceover? Ted Kaczynski: No. You told me this was a TED talk. Door Flies Open: Via giphy.com Ted Kaczynski: Yesterday a