Saturday Night Open Thread – okay seriously, this needs to stop Edition


It happened again. I'm sitting here enjoying a nice little Saturday, perusing Hippo's Morning Thread and I AGAIN think, "I wonder what our wonderful writers have cooked up for tonight's Open Thread." Then I realize AGAIN, "Oh fuck. I'M supposed to be writing it!" To my credit, I've been busy today. I

Saturday Night Open Thread – What Day Is It? Edition


Fuck Me, I need a calendar. Or an alarm or something. Lately, every Saturday, I get to DFO in the afternoons after reading Hippo's Morning Thread and think, "I wonder what our wonderful writers have cooked up for tonight's Open Thread." Then I realize, "Oh fuck. I'M supposed to be writing

Sunday Night Open Thread – Gold Cup Final Edition


I know you are all anxiously awaiting the Grand Finale of the Gold Cup or, as Hippo calls it, the Golden Shower Tourno. The participants are a resurgent Mexican squad that seems to be rounding into shape after looking like shit in the last month going against a tough Panamá team

Saturday Night Open Thread – The Spain WWC Preview Edition


I am writing this only two hours before post time which I should be commended for. That's improvement, people! The reason I wanted to include the Spain preview in tonight's Open Thread is because: It helps with the word count. I don't know much about the Spanish Women's National Team. The Women's World Cup

Balls Magazine Volume 18

As you may remember, I was scheduled to play a tournament using only four clubs. I sought advice from the DFO Commentists and settled on the following four clubs: 5 Wood 7 Iron Pitching Wedge Putter I ended up shooting an even 100! This was a satisfyingly good result! As you know, my goal has been

Saturday Night Open Thread – The No More Fireworks Dammit Edition


I love the 4th of July. I specially have loved spending the 4th outside the USA. I remember vividly spending one 4th in Rome while traveling and hearing about a fireworks display being put on by an ex-pat club in the city. We went (I was in a group with Americans

Saturday Night Open Thread – The No More June Gloom Edition


I am getting better. I remembered that I committed to write the Saturday Night Open Thread at least two hours before post time. WHOOHOO!! There are a LOT of things to discuss: The weather has turned for the better. We are now in PEAK LA mode. It's sunny and beautiful without it being

Saturday Night Open Thread – The June Gloom Edition part trois

It just dawned on me that I was supposed to be writing tonight's Open Thread. AGAIN! WOOPS! Fuck me in the goat ass. I swear one of these weeks I'll remember and prepare. Things to discuss: I played golf in the rain AGAIN on Thursday. I didn't do as well as the last time.

Your 2023 Women’s World Cup Preview Extravaganza! Part 1


If y'all are not excited about the Women's World Cup, this year, I don't know what's wrong with you. Perhaps you should try some of Hippo's pills. I would have loved to have been there, but real life gets in the way and it's just not possible. I've been to

Saturday Night Open Thread – The June Gloom Edition part deux

It just dawned on me that I was supposed to be writing tonight's Open Thread. WOOPS! I will do a real good Karen Carpenter job. Several things to discuss: I played in DAY ONE of my golf club championship today. I broke 100 and scored a 98. Day 2 is tomorrow. I'm in