In his 2022 World Cup Quarterfinal Open Thread, the esteemed Mr. King Hippo, Esq. came up with a pretty good idea for how to handle the addition of 16 teams for the next World Cup to be hosted in Canadia, México, and the United States in 2026. When you have
Life as We Know It
Balls’ History Of The World: Part 1
Before we get started, I feel we need an appropriate intro: This post came about because this YouTube video popped up on my feed: I got interested and then went down a rabbit hole that has led to this post. I found that I disagree with the YouTube video. It appears to
Your MNF Open thread. Now with more balls!
Boots on the Ground: The Crazy House!
Little Drummer Boy Challenge 2022
Your 2022 World Cup España Preview
I have confession to make
Your 2022 World Cup México Preview
God bless the Duke of Argyll! If the youth of today aren’t the most annoying creatures on the planet I’ll eat my finest Sunday derby. Condor-sized prairie mosquitos and door-knocking donation guilt-trippers have nothing on these grating simpletons. I went to one of those Halloween corn maze dealies with the