Yes, yes, welcome to Wumbo Wednesday (image courtesy of Know Your Meme), and keep your applause until—well that ended quickly! Jerks. Anyway, I’m taking this vessel over as my own damn soapbox. What can I ramble about? I don’t know, then it wouldn’t be a ramble. Sometimes I may use this
Got No Gas: Your Jets At/After the Bye Post
Your “C’Mon, Gimme Some More of That Sweet Action!” NFL Open Thread
Man, that was good stuff! (is typing at 12:15 EST) Dimes throwing it around like crazy, that bananacakes last-second upset and that leg fracture. Ouch! Hopefully the second half of games can keep up the pace! To The Games! Jets/Broncos: This is my Survivor pick-don't let me down Hippo! Look for both Williams
NFL Speakeasy Stories: Much Together
Well, Back Up the Hill We Go: Your New York Jets Preview
Hey, nice of us to pop back in the Greek underworld for a bit! Senor Weaselo and Hades are currently mid-bottle of wine (white, Senor can't drink red) and mid-conversation about… something. Senor Weaselo: Anyway, I'm saying you might be able to capitalize on this. Hades, lord of the Greek underworld: Senor,
Your Jets at the Bye Rant
Your “My Eyes, My Freakin’ Eyes!” Thursday Night Football Open Thread
Woo! Your Sunday NFL Football Open Thread
Oh Yeah, It’s Time for a Jets Preview (or, Quarantine in the Underworld)
Scene: The underworld! Hades, the god of the Greek underworld, and Persephone, his wife and the goddess of both the underworld and vegetation, are at home watching the Marble League, because of course they are. Persephone is wearing a Raspberry Racers shirt, while Hades is wearing, out of all teams,
Horatio’s ‘Let’s Try To Get 5 Out Of 32 This Year, Dumbass’ Mock Draft
Your “It’s Almost Over And We Learned So Little” Sunday Afternoon NFL Football Open Thread
Shall we get right at it? We shall. TO THE GAMES! Jets/Bills: [shakes head] The Jets won 6 games? How? Anyhow, it's not a far reach to posit that as a kid, Josh Allen must have thrived during 'unstructured playtime'. Browns/Bengals: Much like Sex Panther, this game smells like Bigfoot's dick. One must give Cincy
Another Jets Preview in the Underworld, 2019 Edition
Right, this. Uh, shit. I haven't been down in a while, being busy and all. Eh, let's start this and I imagine someone will call and yell at me. So! Another year, another Jets preview. Oh, another coach, this time replacing Todd "Not Sally" Bowles (I've wanted to use that for a