Your “It’s Friday. Let’s Eat And Drink And Drug Like The Champs We Are” Friday Night Football Open Thread

It's shitty preseason ball and a couple of shitty teams are involved in this double-header. Call it "un-beautiful symmetry", maybe? Whatever, my eyebulbs are gonna catch some action. One thing I've got an issue with is the fact that this is the first weekend that all teams are playing and

TGISF … Solstice, Schmolstice OK, here's the deal... This week's theme was predetermined a while ago.  The calendar does what it does, I don't control it.  And days ago, I began thinking through what I wanted to say this week to try to make you idiots laugh.  Because I think I'm funny even if you

TGISF… Quite Contrary

I've used that particular banner image up there for TGISF once before.  Not quite ten months ago, when talking about libraries and reading books. But this is not about books or libraries this week.  Nope, this week we're talking about gardening n junk. - Who's Got Two Thumbs, Neither Of Which Are Green? Yet

TGISF… Whose Side Are You On, Anyway?

Recently, while on the beach, I spied a group of a half dozen or so lovely young ladies.  Shut up, I said "spied", not "stalked". Nonetheless, there they were right before me.  I couldn't exactly not look.  Some were swimming, some were sunning.  They seemed to be having a nice time. 

TGISF…In Repose

re·pose1 rəˈpōz/ noun noun: repose 1. a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility. "in repose her face looked relaxed" synonyms: rest, relaxation, inactivity; More sleep, slumber "a face in repose" composure. "he had lost none of his grace or his repose" synonyms: peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, calm, tranquility More "they found true repose" composure, serenity, equanimity, poise, self-possession, aplomb "he lost his

TGISF… Wet Sand

Yep.  I'm half-assing this one.  Sorry, not sorry. I'm at the beach.  Sorry, not sorry. This is the view out of my window right now as I'm writing this... So, as you can easily see...  I want to be out there .  NOT in here . So this post is getting written quickly and

TGISF… Talking Baseball

I like baseball.  That's not exactly a secret, I suppose. But what you folks might not realize is that I like baseball just for the sake of baseball itself.  What I mean by that is that I enjoy watching baseball even when I don't have a particular rooting interest.  Weird, but

TGISF… You Have Your Draft, I’ll Have Mine

I did not watch the NFL Draft last night.** I watched hockey. ** Full Disclosure:  I did click over to the draft during hockey commercial breaks/intermissions.  Ostensibly to see who was going where, but really in hopes of hearing a few Goodell boos.  Those are always fun. I will not be watching the

TGISF… It’s 4/20, What Did You Think I Was Gonna Do?

Yes, I like weed.  A lot. Yes, we've done this TGISF theme before.  Less than a year ago, in fact.  But as I already mentioned privately to a few folks, it's not every year that 4/20 falls on a Friday.  And the last time we did this, I left a lot

TGISF… Slip It In The Five Hole

Yeah sure, it's Friday the 13th.  But we're ignoring that.  Mostly because I just did that six months ago. But, did I ever tell you guys I got married on a Friday the 13th?  True story, Bro. My marriage sucked all teh ass.  It almost killed me (literally), truth be told.  Not