We have TWO scintillating Championship games on tap for your viewing pleasure today. First up:
Euro 2024
Spain v England
All the English are banging on about Bringing It Home and all that shit but the Scots, Welsh, Irish, and pretty much every country that was conquered or harassed by the English is rooting for Spain.
Interesting side note: I am in a pool with friends where we were assigned teams randomly and accumulated points as they won games. Nice meals are at stake. If England wins, I get to pick the restaurant and my friend pays for the meal. If Spain wins, he picks the restaurant and my other friend pays for the meal.
Go Spain!
Copa América
Argentina v Colombia
In a similar way to the Euro, the only ones not rooting for Colombia are Argentines. They already won the World Cup, we don’t need them to be Copa Champions AT THE SAME TIME. God, they would be even more insufferable than they already are.
Interesting side note 2: We also did a pool for the Copa and I’ve already wrapped that up. We also did a Nassau-style wager where we add up the points for both competitions and determine an overall winner. The result of that hinges on the Euro final.
Again, Go Spain!
Who are you rooting for?
Here’s a still life of my studio desktop.
The signet ring was my father’s from the Berlin Airlift, where he was stationed at Tempelhof AFB in Berlin. The ring is made from melted down shell casings, the only metal that Berlin jewelers had to work with.
It sits in a brass ring from a vintage carousel on Martha’s Vineyard, MA. I wasn’t supposed to keep it but I did.
Behind are stacks of various silver dollars and quarters I keep for fun. None are collectible but I like them.
This is the first time in my life I’ve ever watched an entire soccer game.
Always good to expand your horizons. Come for Shakira and stay for the Messi.
Actually I skipped the halftime show, so I still have no idea who Shakira is, although I’ve heard of her. Didn’t she do beer commercials?
Trump is going to award himself a Purple Heart, Silver Star, and Medal of Honor. Anyone who says that’s inane will be cast out as unAmerican.
How about “insane”? Can I call him insane?
Both words equally apply.
That’s why I disagree with those who say this will be the last July 4th. Anyone who does not have at least three flags out (the American flag and multiple Party flags) on July 4th will be sent to Gitmo for being un-American.
I’m looking forward to watching the Vietnam Memorial be razed because its, and I’m quoting the President, its full of the names of losers.
Those bone spurs got him out of having to be with those losers.
Argentina wins!
Back-to-back-to back!
2 Copa America wins with a World Cup win in between!
Thatssss Rocking!
Curtain call for DiMaria!
Argentina fans are Rockingggg!
I really do not enjoy overdose situations.
how’s the game?
Well no one is dying or overdosed
Sorry to hear that. You’re doing the work of angels. Okay, archangels? Devils, but reformed devils?
Whatever you are, you’re doing good.
Turnover by Columbia then Martinez and it’s a great finish for Argentina!!!!
That was Rocking!!!!
Aim for the goalie’s face. Always works out.
Unless it’s Scott Sterling.
Time for Colombia to pull the goalie
Last funny:
There is a Buddy’s like right across the street from my hotel.
That Vernor’s Ginger Soda is sort of the local favorite pairing
(haven’t been here all weekend, better say something witty to impress everyone)
Looks like t he Copa final is no longer Messi
Sad Messi is sad
A nation reared its head and exclaimed, “Oh, Falklands!”
Trump rewrites Republican convention speech to focus on unity not Biden – Washington Examiner
Gott im Himmel, he almost sounds Presidential. He almost sounds human. Let’s see if it lasts, also lets see how the mob takes it. Just because Dr. Frankenstein is playing the soothing music just mean the monster will calm down.
Also, whoever called this “Frankenstein Junior” instead of “Young Frankenstein” is now my mortal enemy.
Frankenstein Junior (youtube.com)
It would honestly be just hilarious if this brush with Fate converts him into a sudden pacifist, and just completely blows off all the 2A crezziness and swears to outlaw assault rifles.
I guarantee you he shit his pants
I can’t wait for the networks to credulously exclaim “he’s changed, he’s really changed, that whole experience changed him” only for him to revert to the same stochastic terrorism bullshit within a week.
“Today is the day Trump became Presidential” is a-comin
And completely ignore the last 9+ years of threats and direct and indirect calls for violence. Like a CW vampire villain that killed a dozen honor society students two weeks ago but had a change of heart and granted their nemesis mercy so they’re one of the good guys now.
Are we talking Angel or Spike?
I remember Heroes pulled that shit, too. Like, “a lot of our audience thinks Zach Quinto is hawt, so can we keep Sylar around and ignore the whole killing people and slicing them up thing?”
DS9 tried that with Gul Dukat. Its hard to turn Space Hilter babyface.
Isn’t that just the entirety of Pretty Little Liars? I mean Hermana Weaselo tried to explain it to me, but she miscalculated whether I gave a damn.
The mainstream media pulled that horseshit the first time he bombed Syria.
I give it halfway through the nomination speech.
Just like when he tried to encourage the redhats to get the vaccine. They started booing, so he changed his tune instantly. It’s the RNC, so the crowd will all be on the same page and applaud where appropriate, but he needs some nebulous “enemy” to “fight” against. Without that, the mob will change the channel in short order.
It’s quite literally the only play they know how to operate.
Oh shit!
Messi got sub’d out?
What happened?!?!?
That doesn’t seem rocking…
That growing issue reared it’s short head again and wouldn’t be denied.
Much like Lowratio when he’s horned up.
“Argentine bench shouting about something.”
I mean, I just assume this is happening throughout the entire game, no need to announce it.
Is CNN interested in my bowel movements from earlier? Those were worth shouting something about.
Maybe more fiber if you need to shout it out
The lip syncing is bad. However, I don’t really seem to mind much.
Oh, was there singing?
Hear me out:
Shakira does an hour-long show and we go straight to penalties instead
Can’t believe she’s 47,and yes 45 minutes of a show plus stoppage time sounds better than the game
Is “penalties” new, hip slang for mast… oh, its a soccer thing. Nevermind.
Watching the game on mute: Did they say anything about Messi? The way he’s walking, I’m guessing it’s a groin issue
More like a “growing” issue. Although Lowratio is still impressed.
Do they have NFL quality pain killers in the Copa, or do they just rely on the tried and true “Peruvian Marching Powder” to treat injuries?
Another night, another assassination attempt. RIP Messi.
Messi dead?
Oh nooo!
Messi looks injured?!?!
That doesn’t seem rocking…
So, what’s the name of the woman in the thread’s image?
Marika Fruscio. She’s an Italian celebrity and soccer commentator.
Damn woke society. Why don’t we have her doing her thing in North America? I’d take her over the crap we have here
Marika has some nice Marakas
Also good to see all those Columbia fans that are Rocking!
That’s Rockinggggg!
Found a funny:
friend: is this a real dinner party or are you acting out another movie fantasy
me: *picks up ornate box* I suppose you’re all wondering why I gathered you here tonight
There’s no way Corey Comperatore’s wife is gonna let him pick the seats again at her next Anti-America rally.
Jesus: “He is a firefighter, he put down his life for his loved ones, plus he was saved so technically my blood paid the price for his sins.”
God: “Okay, fine! He’s in! We’re set up some work-release, community service thing. I’m sure Satan has some things that need sharpened in Hell. Just keep him away from Me, those people really creep me out!”
I was expecting more, uh, Germanic names on the Argentine roster.
Well, not all names have to be strongly ethnic, Mr. Klaus Knotanazi. Maybe those are their travel names, you know to protect them.
Please take that in a joking manner.
Dude, anything you say to make fun of Argies is welcome here.
I think the Colombian anthem was the theme music to a 1960s spaghetti western.
[squints at you before he got super famous]
-C. Eastwood
Yea it’s kinda Rocking!
Shakira has to be so mad right now. She should be shaking her hips and doing the halftime show now instead of listening to these 2nd rate singers do the anthems.
A Copa América final, presented by Aspergers’ Visuals & Lighting
Give that camera man a raise!
Better open up those beer lines in Miami, those fans look thirsty. Besides, what could go wrong?
All this talk for kumbaya from President Grandpa and everyone else is nice, but its pointless until we hear from Trump.
In case you were wondering about that Forbes article. Here’s an archived version – https://archive.ph/Gu5Bo
Hey, thanks for the link!!
Having read that:
“Can’t be that bad…”
(clicks link)
NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. SO MUCH NOPE. (youtube.com)
That Fox studio crew really needs someone to dress them. They look like they got their wardrobes at what’s left of Sears.
The only ones dressed properly are the women.
All of them have something that is purple on them or wearing.
Agreed. Although Carli needs someone to undress her.
I’m available, of course.
Me too!
And Uruguayans were branded as troublesome

Guys, I’m starting to think the USA doesn’t know how to host a soccer game, much less a tournament.
Can’t wait for the World Cup!
The U.S. couldn’t host a parasite.
Oh, wait. I meant besides FIFA.
We have lots of parasites – the MAGA asshats in congress, insurance companies, oil companies,…
Oil companies are awesome.
No, the problem is MIAMI
Another half hour? lol. Just play it tomorrow.
They’re really delaying Kickoff for this Columbia vs Argentina game?!?!
That’s not Rocking!
The design of your avatar is interesting, someone just took a capital A and added a tail, two arms, and the head, but the result is really Rocking!!!!
It’s Poochie
I know that, I just remarked on the design because it suddenly stood out to me.
Mock Draft Idea: Scenes Where Actors Who Took the Bad Crap Seriously or Whose Performance Was Way Too Good for the Film or TV Show
Sylvester Stallone in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when confronting Yondu for exhaling him.
Mickey Rourke in Expendables when he was telling the story of the young girl on the ledge.
Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation “Sarek” when overwhelmed with Sarek’s repressed emotions (and somehow pulling off overacting).
Which of the new Who generation of Dr.’s shall we start with?
Hoo boy. Touch choice. I’m going with Peter Capaldi.
Peter Capaldi’s version of the Doctor worked because it was the closest we got to the real doctor. The kayfabe was broken, the gimmicks were taken away, and we got a glimpse of a tired, old man whose is struggling to keep running for fear of not only if the Universe would need him to keep running or for fear of his feelings and regrets catching up with himself.
As for which ones…
Honorable Mentions…
“Face the Raven” – Capaldi threatening Me to save Clara. Seeing the Doctor act out of pure rage is hard to do but Capaldi pulls it off. Which leads us to…
“Heaven Sent” – Capaldi all but carries an episode himself causing it to be on this page, but I’ll go with “Why Can’t I Lose?!”. “Breaking the Wall” is a great moment but it isn’t a speech but mostly an Episode Climax.
“The Doctor Falls” – “Where I Fall” Speech to Master and Missy. Like a Mission Statement of who he is and begging his friend(s) to stand with his just this once, though he knows its against their nature.
My choice…
Zygon Invasion, where he goes from desperation, rage, regret and despair all at once. We saw the War Doctor before and Ten and Eleven interact, but we never got to see what War did. While Twelve doesn’t say what he did, we see the result. A man who hates himself for what he’s became. The Old Doctors One through Eight was different than the New Doctors Nine through Fifteen, and though him talking about the Time War we can see way. Almost like he’s ripping off the scab and pouring out all his sins for all to see.
The Doctor’s Speech | The Zygon Inversion | Doctor Who (youtube.com)
For Raul Julia, it was his last great performance. But for everyone else, it was Tuesday.
I’m clicking +1, but you know I mean this.
M. Bison “Of Course!” HD Edition (youtube.com)
Sud American finals update: All gates closed due to the rushing of fans into the stadium, causing extremely concerning congestion.
Who would’ve guessed.
I’ve been saying since experiencing Qatar that North America needs to adopt their methods for fans entering the stadium. Qatar is quicker and more thorough at the same time.
Well yeah; rush the gate there and they’ll cut your feet off.
I’m watching one hell of a movie you’ve never heard of.
It’s called Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave (1980).
I first saw years ago on TV in Vancouver when I was working up there. The plot is Hank Williams last night alive when he was being driven overnight on New Years Eve to a concert in Ohio; in the film he imagines giving a small show in one of the roadhouse bars he passes along the way.
It’s an astonishing motion picture. It’s currently free on Amazon Prime.
We call that the Clemente!
/Too soon?
I’m flying to Detroit.
/Tim Allen Grunt
Get some pizza at Buddy’s.
Oh I’m sure there will be little actually seeming to be anywhere other than a bland conference room for two days.
Surely the catered box lunches will be “sandwiches” or “wraps”.
Ask for Coney Islands from Lafayette delivered.
Don’t forget to rat on your cocaine supplier in exchange for a reduced sentence!
Tell Murphy he still owes me a hand. He’ll know what I mean.
Eldest granddaughter is in Chicago getting ready to board her flight to Madrid.
I told her to try and get a deep dish from Lou’s before she left but she didn’t get a chance.
She’s such a sweetheart, she said she’ll text me right before takeoff because she’s going to be using a burner phone in Spain.
Love that kid.
Perfect timing
I’m in tears over here. She’s amazing.
Hope she has a great trip! Lots of amazing food to eat in Spain
I’m so envious. She’s 19 and traveling to Spain solo.
I’m getting the whole family into the world travel thing. Hopefully motivating them to move when I move.
That would be perfect.
a presidential candidate gets shot and the next day your granddaughter leaves the country and will be communicating via burner phone okay totally sounds legit
she’s going to be using a burner phone in Spain
Kids. They grow up and join the CIA so fast. [wipes away a tear]
Spain was amazing. I have to go back
I need to spend a LOT more time there than last trip.
Dani Olmo on Harry Kane’s trophy curse:
“I kept Harry Kane’s trophy curse going in Germany, and I’m not done yet.”
“We Are The Runners-Up My Friend, And We’ll Keep On Trying…Forever. We Are The Runners Up, We Are The Runners Up…Till The End.”
Would not want to be the English manager, the shit storm will be huge and the headlines will be fantastic.
When I was in London one thing I noticed is that the British press is ten times nastier than American news media, as bad as that is. Then go to Canada and it’s so sane and subdued it puts you to sleep.
They manage to be nastier but also less depressing and wittier, I’m a fan of the British press
Not NHL media. They’re out of their fucking minds
You mean, ‘somewhat normal’, do ya now?
As a Man United fan who knows how this season is about to turn out for us, I really need the FA to extend Southgate another year.
Love that they make the losers hang around so they can get their loser medals hung around their neck.
It better when they expected the win and have to stand there watching the underdogs celebrate with their championship trophy while slowly dying a little inside.
Certainly you can empathize with them, being a Bengal’s fan and all?
Bengal’s fans don’t expect to win ever, do they?
They do, they have hope that this time will be different and it never is. Fandom can be so cruel.
Honestly, we’re still getting used to ending up in a bracket.
I’ve never been here but they say it’s good:
This is out in the valley:
Is that the one on Prarie in Inglewood?
I’ve never tried it but some of my employees have it in their regular lunch rotation.
Woody’s? Yes, Prairie in Inglewood.
There’s one on Prairie and there’s another one on Florence.
Here’s pulled pork in South Bay:
That skinny burrito on the right looks great!
Thank goodness this wasn’t a picture of you pulling your own pork in the south bay
Oooo. Lookit that orange grease!
That’s how you know it’s good.
I have. It is indeed good.