Crossing Streams – DFO’s Donks (Woo?) Homers Discuss Sean Payton

Good Saturday evening, all y'all.  Just because we are in the sportsball desert does not mean there ain't no sportsball NOOZ!  Facing a two strike (Ryans, Harbaugh) count, the Wal-Mart + Condi braintrust decided to go "all in" with the former Saints coach.  A discussion on our homer-ish feelings follows. KH: First

Instant Hippo Thoughts – Mega Uber-Duper Wild Card Round

Oh my cats, did we ever see some shit, y'all.  Credit to sharky for finding this perfect banner pic, to summarize Saturday night. Can't complain about 5-for-5 entertaining games this opening weekend.  Hopefully, that ball keeps on rolling. We opened Sunday with Brokeback's Bills, seemingly ready to skullfuck the LOLfins' practice squad. 

Post Self-Justification Lesser Footy Thread

Every January, to my great discomfort, I am summoned to justify my continued existence within the law firm.  It's like somebody decided, "hey, we don't think Hippo focuses enough on his self-hatred and feelings of personal and professional failure - let's stare at him and make him do a little

Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 18, 2022 Season

Macro level, this has been a very entertaining season.  Hard to predict, which is good for the soul, taking our minds away from the crushing drudgery of everyday life. Special shout out to the Jaguras and Tits, who fought their asses off Saturday night.  This Surly Duff is for y'all. Speaking of