Partying in the Underworld

It's a rainy Sunday noonish, and a man with a violin is finishing his teaching for the day. Yes, of course it's Senor Weaselo, who else would it be? Senor: All right, done for the day. Maybe I'll get a bagel and a haircut? His phone starts ringing and popping up on the

Your “Wait, HIM?!?” TGISF Friday Evening Open Thread

Howdy, lizard people, it's time for another House of Pain with your friendly neighborhood… hold on, I'm getting something in my fake earpiece. …I'm doing what? Are you sure? Me? Okay, just remember who's doing it when it becomes a shitshow! Welp, I've got bad news, this isn't House of Pain, and

And Now, A Very Special Musical Number to Celebrate the Cleveland Browns (It is tradition to rise.) Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Ooooh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh a-and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Fooooor the city of losing teams, Cleveland. Oh and sixteen! Oh and sixteen! Oh and

[DFO] Presents: Bowl Game Or Not a Bowl Game?

JV footy bowl season is upon us, chock full of games between teams you weren't sure existed, from conferences you've never heard of, playing in bowl games that you're sure the broadcasters are pulling out of their asses, because that's not a real company sponsoring this supposed bowl game. I

Your Even More Hastily Put Together 2017 MLB Recap and Postseason Preview

Yes, I know, I know, it's football season and therefore nothing else matters, and you don't see the Canadian Commentist Contingent doing a hockey post for tomorrow (to my knowledge…), but the least I can do is see this through, right? First question, how did I do? AL East Preseason picks: BOS, TOR,

Boots on the Ground: Hurricane-Moved Games (Basedball Edition)

First things up, hope everyone in the way of all the hurricanes, and it's unfortunate I have to say hurricanes as in plural, is safe and accounted for, with as little stress and property damage and loss as we could possibly hope for. And also the ones on the way.

Football Fans in the Underworld: Your 2017 Jets Preview

Greetings. For this preview we went down below. Way down below. I mean, WAYYYYYY way down below. …Sure. Let's go with that. In actuality, we've given Cerberus three steaks (for each of his mouths to feed on so maybe he'll let us back through) and called upon the ferryman Charon for his

Inferno (Or, Your 2017 Browns Preview)

O, speak to me, o Muse! Please take my mind And offer me assistance for this tale. Through you, I hope to join ven'rable kind. I tell of city not of fair, but fail, And cursed, it seemed, 'til King reclaimed his throne And for a shining moment, did prevail. With title claimed,

1967 AFL Season Preview

In honor of Anniversary Week, the good folks of the [DFO] writing staff have looked through the years—nay, decades—of lost misplaced #content in search for articles that may have gone by the wayside. Yes, we've always been here, Mr. Torrance. You've already seen Shogun's discovery, and here's an article before