Ungovernable – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

We enter summer, always a good time to stir shit up. School is out, kids run rampant (especially the ones in summer school), folks are traveling, absenteeism gets frequenter… These circumstances are ripe for upending authority and get revolts cookin’. Just off the top of my head, these are three

Feeling Hot, Hot! HAWT – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

On January 2, 1994, the Houston Oilers were leading the Jets 14-0 near the end of the first half. Houston QB Cody Carlson “fumbled at his own 18-yard line with 24 seconds on the clock.” So, obviously, Oiler defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan punched Oiler offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride. I stand by

Wait: When Is Mothers’ Day? Whew! – Offseason Sunday Open Thread  

The draft is over, it’s a new month, and there’s still time to get my mother something. Praise Gamblor. The stress is real, because down here in PR Mothers’ Day is, not-really quietly, the holiest of days. If you take your mother to lunch, it can’t be hurried. If you go

Some Care for Caretakers: Offseason Sunday Open Thread

Back in 2012, when hotmail was a thing and Jeeves panhandled for questions, Chuck Pagano got his first head coaching job, with the Colts. Pagano hired Bruce Arians as Offensive Coordinator after the Steelers kicked Arians out and threw a gold watch towards the sidewalk. In Week 6 of the

Chatbot Therapy: Offseason Sunday Open Thread

Just between you, me and my tinnitus, [checks around nervously to see if anyone is eavesdropping] Life hasn’t been quite excellent the last coupla weeks. Don’t mean to get all downer and stuff, but sometimes you have to deal with more crap than usual and doing nothing will make things worse. The

Easter Sunday Open Thread

The tight grip on customs and the calendar by Judeo-Christian traditions foist Easter upon this godless webspace. Honestly though, I'm for chocolate gifts (awesome) and the randomness of egg-laying bunnies (wtf!). But Easter is much more. For those of you who were not blessed with the existential yoke of Catholic

Enablers: A Study – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

There are millions of ads, anecdotes, gossip, poems, psalms, stories and memes about true friends being those who stand by you and look out for your best interests, always, without fail. Well spare me the personal growth and judgin' crap because this is a look at enablers. Enablers never sermonize and are

Give The Governor a Harrumph – Mel Brooks Open Thread

I must have been five years old when my father took our family to see “Silent Movie” in the theatRe. I got into it immediately. Everything was self-explanatory, one gag after the other, very little dialogue: great for a kid with basic reading skills and knowing almost no English. Then