INT. A DINGY RESTAURANT BASEMENT - DAY A struggling prisoner sits tied to a chair. A pair of goons stand over him menacingly. GOON 1: When's Mama gettin' back? GOON 2: [puffing on a cigar] Should be any minute now. GOON 1: [to prisoner] When she gets here, tubby, you're gonna spill your guts. GOON 2: You'se better
Hillary Clinton Gets a New Campaign Adviser
[BROOKLYN, NEW YORK: HILLARY CLINTON'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE HEADQUARTERS] ROBBY MOOK: ...and that's why I'm no longer allowed at the Costco on 118th Street. But enough about my day off! As your Campaign Manager, I want to be the first to congratulate you on officially being declared the presumptive nominee! HILLARY CLINTON: Thank you,
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E9 – Missing Manziel)
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E8 – Press Coverage)
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E7 – Hurricane Johnny)
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Midweek Special!
I know you're disappointed that, for travel-related reasons, your weekly dose of AFL Beat will be delayed. In an effort to tide you over, I offer this little analysis I did in which I asked the question: What if the NFL used the AFL system to determine playoff seedings? I compiled the
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E6 – Fans React…)
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E5 – Up Next)
[DFO] Presents: Serial (S1, E4 – Or Bust)
Kessel Running Mates
This is how I picture Donald Trump surveying the Republican field this afternoon: Lots of people have already made the Cruz-aborting-his-campaign joke, so why repeat it here? I want to beat other stuff to death. Like, for example, who will he pick as his VP nominee? I'm assuming they have already told