Live On Periscope: Jaqen H’gar Talks AFC South & 2016 Draft

Hardly illuminated video of shadowy, jumpy images. The audio is a bit grainy, but clear. Jaqen H’gar: *In a deliberate, paused enunciation* Come forth, please. Door Flies Open: *Shrill overanxious voice* There near the water? Good. Lemme just set this… *Thud* I’M HERE AT THE FAMOUS HOUSE OF BLACK AND WHI— JH:

DFO Romance Report: Charlie Whitehurst and Jewel

Charlie Whitehurst is one of those lucky fellas who is employed as a backup quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts in the National Football League. That means he gets a pretty nice salary ($2 million per year on his current contract) and doesn't experience the memory-sapping abuse that starting quarterbacks endure. As

Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 28)

The scene: The creepy basement where the Angry Girl Scout is holding Ballsofsteelandfury, Lord Revisisle, JJ Fozz and Rikki-Tikki-Deadly captive. She has just conjured a fearsome entity called Cookiethulhu, and it stands looming over her, wrapped in mystic smoke. JJ Fozz: Good...lord... Rikki-Tikki-Deadly (inhaling the smoke): He smells like...freshly-baked oatmeal cookies! Ballsofsteelandfury (also