We’ve Only Just Begun (2025) Footy Thread

I know I am repeating myself (Carpenter pun alert), but Hippo is very glad that a long ago New Year's Resolution (to stop ever making New Year's Resoliutions) has held for yet another year.  Everything will just fall to shit regardless, remember. So..to the JV playoffs.  5 matches, 5 "so boring

WBALLS – Uptempo Depression!

Following in the heels of last week's Hippo Dedication Hour, we are following it up with more songs from The Cure that are, while still depressing in lyrics and message, danceable and upbeat. More in tune with yours truly. You're tuned in to the biggest Balls of them all, Balls of

Saturday De-motivational #1

Maybe I will keep doing this once the games stop, and I need something to write about.  Take it away, Onion scientists! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bex5LyzbbBE Yeah, no arguing with the data.  At least we have some mild distractions: Iowa State (+2) v. Arizona State - Big Twalve Championship, JerralWorld (Noon, ABC) New blood, indeed.  Shit, Cornpone