AFL Beat 2025 – Round 2 Recap!

This week, we had a couple of upsets. Teams are starting to figure out who they are and adjusting to the start of the season. It's getting good! Here we go! *** The AFL Ladder *** The AFL Round 2 Results The AFL Round 2 Highlights AFL Round 3 Schedule *** AFL Footy Tipping Contest Results *** Notes and Comments Adelaide

Let The Smadness Begin – The DFO 2025 NCAA Basketball Playoffs Preview

Well, the Ides of March have passed, and there were no emperor stabbings. I did not vote by double-secret absentee military fake ballot for my senators to spend the Ides idly. Alas, we must find other distractions until football season starts anew. So we'll turn our attention to the hardwood and

Updates From The VOID – Saturday Open Thread

Everything in this Timeline remains very stupid, and even MOAR terrible. There, you are all caught up on the week's current events. Loads of footy to maybe watch, starting with "Classic Six Pointer" (for Shempions qualification) between City of Men and the Robins Hood (7:30, USA).  Various tepid offerings continue straight through

AFL Beat 2025 – Season Preview!

The AFL season starts this week with the "Opening Round" which the AFL tried last year and they're doing it again. In the ten short years I've been actively following the AFL (not counting my years in the 80s when the league was on ESPN 2), things have changed a

HAWT David Moyes Morning Action

Is everyone up early?  I sure hope so, because David Moyes - and the Old Lady (ie, Goodison Park) get one last shot against Men Untied (7:30, USA). Moyes' United tenure ended at this very same location, to the tune of Evertonians serenading his demise.  Yes, he lost BOTH matches against

It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

Instant Non-Hippo Thoughts – Post Superb Owl Edition Part Deux


I thought this was the first time I'd be playing Substitute Teacher for Ye Olde Hippo but I discovered that I had previously substituted when he decided to boycott the Super Bowl when Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Bucs beat the same KC Chiefs playing the Philly Eagles in

Another Year, Another FA Cup Weekend

Upon popular request (wait, is Spam popular???) I had intended to do a longer piece explaining some of Lesser Footy's HippoSPEEK.  But I had too much stupid work to do this week, and my mind is forked beyond recognition.  Hate week, though.  I do have time and hate in my heart