In case you were interested, no I did not buy the Groupon from last week. Now that I know that tWBS lives within miles of Adam and Eve HQ, there is no need. That will, I'm sure, also come in handy during our adventures in the desert. Stay tuned. This week,
Tag: drinky drink drink drink
Your “Thirsty Thursday” Evening Open Thread
Your “A Different Sheepskin On The Menu” Wednesday Night Open Thread
Your “THIS is League Stability?”Thursday Night Open Thread
NFL News: The Raiders have officially filed their relocation papers with the League. According to Yelp, the second best, but closest, moving company to the is West Coast Moving Systems. They have a three-hour guaranteed response time, and proudly advertise having moved Gary Payton. This seems right up Mark
NFL Conference Championship Preview
НФЛ Конференция Чемпионат Превью Here at DFO, we are proud to be a multi-national worldly bunch. We live in countries other than the United States, we were born in countries other than the US, and we have extensively traveled to countries other than the US. What we have found is that
Your “I Guess The Pats Bandwagon Got Bigger” Monday Evening Open Thread
Happy New Sexy Friday!
I'm telling you, I have a really good feeling about 2017. I don't know why, but I am unusually optimistic about this year. I am ready to leave behind everything that happened in 2016 and move on to something better and brighter. Already, we have had the return of Sherlock to
Your “What Is Done Cannot Be Now Amended” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
NFL News: And the first NFL off-season arrest / Crimebeat! story of 2017 goes to... Adam "Pac Man" Jones! Sorry to those of you who had Vontaze Burfict in your pool. So close! "Assault, disorderly conduct, obstructing official business, and something called 'harassment with a bodily substance,' a charge which was
Your “Is It Too Early To Start Practicing My New Year’s Drinking?” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
The Internet is a wonderful weird place that has led me down many interesting rabbit holes. I just got out of one thanks to this article in the New Statesman. It's worth a click, but the main gist is that there are certain commonly accepted facts that are, upon review, totally
[DFO] So Cal Meetup: The Bruery
Balls’ Quarterly Review – And Down The Stretch They Come! (Phrasing)
The first time, I encouraged you to check your testicles. The second time, I encouraged you to check your breasts. Now, I encourage you to take time out of each day and give yourself a treat. You deserve it! With this crazy busy life, and specially the impending holiday season,