This week will be the only impeachment submissions day we enjoy. Some of you may not care for it but, let's be honest here, Quotables isn't about the submission captions, it's about the commentist participation. That said, thanks for letting me give it the ol' college try here. Anyways, at the
Commentist Participation
2019 Quotables – Week 3 (Results)
2019 Quotables – Week 3 (Submissions)
2019 Quotables – Week 2 (Results)
Mouth Flies Open: DFO Advice Mailbag #15
The team at DFO is committed to brightening the world with insights, observations, and dick jokes. This mailbag feature is just one more way in which we extend our mission beyond football to the rest of life’s broad and multi-chromatic palette. The NFL off-season is OVER and the regular season is under way for
2019 Quotables – Week 2 (Submissions)
2019 Quotables – Week 1 (Results)
This previously-recorded edition of Quotables results is available on tape-delay because I am using today (Friday) to travel to Huntington Beach for a work meeting. So with over 100 comments -- which is very possibly a new this-feature record -- any late (Thursday at about noon or after) submissions may have
2019 Quotables – Week 1 (Submissions)
I'm not going to stand here and preach to you all about how FOOTBAWL IS BACK! But that's mainly because I'm a hater. From what I understand, there is no real discernable difference between 2018's contenders/nobodies and 2019's pretenders/somebodies. Unless I missed the part where Joe Flacco is returning the Broncos
2019 Quotables – Preseason (Results)
2019 Quotables – Preseason (Submissions)
Love me them uprights. Eagles Preview
I have gathered the DFO luminaries Gratliff and WhyEaglesWhy to assist me in breaking down the coming season. Q - How was your summer? Gratliff: I have not seen a sporting event I care about since the Flyers were eliminated in mid-March. I want to die. WhyEaglesWhy: WELL ACTUALLY, it’s winter here in the Land
Your 2019 Seattle Seahawks Preview
Rainy City Football Chums Walkthrough Here we are at the beginning of another new season and lo, what promise it holds. More replays! Endless delays! And despite all this, many missed calls. Makes you wonder why you sat and watched three idiots blathering in a booth about a microscopic difference in