Congratulations on surviving another gluttinous holiday. We will speak softly out of respect for the massively hungover. The Shield paired the traditional No-Fuck Lions with the Bearistocrats! this season. You might expect hilarity to ensue, and the participants did NOT disappoint. The game was close throughout, a fact overshadowed by its
Game Preview
Raiders! Non-Gendered Cowpersons! Thanksgiving “Lucky Pierre” Fixture Thread
Thanksgiving 2021 First Game Open Thread
13 November JV Only Thread the Latter
13 November JV Only Thread the Early
Hippo Hates All The Things (JV Night/Open Thread)
Time To Get Away – 6 November 2021 Lesser Goodness
All Hallows Eve Eve Open Thread
Waking Up Is (Lesser) Hard To Do
Wrapping Up Mandatory Eve
Good gracious, I know everyone is as excite as I am for LOLFins/Jaguras tomorrow. Imagine the maelstrom that Fair London's ticket scalpers must be enduring. Until then, here is how we pass the time: Alabama (-17) at Mississippi State (7:00, ESPN) Oh, you poor Cowbells. Be afraid. Be very afriad. NC State (-3) at
Exploring the Term “Mandatory”
Good morning, all. There is no Lesser Footy to speak of (international break, blech), but at least tomorrow - The Shield tries to fill that void with the most precious of gift. Jest. Falcons (without Ridley!). London. 9:30a EST, full national coverage. As you know, our esteem for FITBAW means that when