Quotables Week 14 – Results Awesomeness

Am I overselling it?  Really?  I thought "Awesomeness" was pretty good.  No? OK, my agent has instructed me to state that "Awesomeness" is a word chosen by me, personally, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or interests of the [DFO] Network or any of its subsidiaries. But fuck them....I think you

Quotables Week 14 Submissions – The “tWBS breaks the internet” version

Seriously, if I don't have a stroke or accidentally put norad on defcon1 before this is over, it will be a minor miracle. tWBS steals gifs from many places.  He has always found comfort with this dynamic. Now he has to learn to make them......???? /re-reads email with instructions sent from blax to

Quotables Week 13 – Results

You know, I don't think anyone could be prouder of their class than me.   You all outdid yourselves.  Give yourselves slaps on the ass!  HARD! On to the winners: Because no one appreciates inside jokes born out of a wild Vegas weekend more than I do. Honorable mention goes to SonofSpam: That’s how I celebrated

Quotables Week 13 Submissions – Balls Filling in Edition

As you are aware if you read last week's Quotables, I am your substitute teacher, Balls, Mr. ofSteelandFury if you will, and I am here to... WHO THREW THAT SPITBALL?? As I was saying, we will have a... DID YOU FART, MR. OfSpam? Ok, now as I was OH GOOD GOD MAN WHAT DID