We are on to Week 2. Lots of pretty enticing football action, eh? I wouldn't know; I watched ARI at RAMMIT. This looks to be a historically bad Cardinals season. But enough about me! I hope you all used your extra day of rest to prepare for some big time Quotables action.
Author: blaxabbath
2018 Quotables – Week 1 (Results)
2018 Quotables – Week 1 (Submissions)
Blood is Thicker
INT. GAME SHOW STUDIO – MUSIC AND LIGHTS BEGIN AS THE CROWD APPLAUDS THE APPROACHING HOST Michael Strahan: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We're excited to have you here tonight as we, once again, give a derelict father the opportunity to meet his bastard-turned-celebrity child. So, without further ado, let's all
Arizona Cardinals Preview (2018)
Sure Thing: A 2018 Green Bay Packers Preview Post
PTO 2: The Base
Your “Wednesday, July 25, 2018” Open Thread
NFL Dead Files: Oakland
PTO 1: Intros
INT. NFLPA UNION HALL – JULY SPECIAL COMMITTEE MEETING But for the quorum of three men sitting at a long table on stage, a dilapidated auditorium sits empty of NFL players. Where typically an audible murmur would be present as union players would engage in private discussions that oscillate between topics of
Like Pine Tar…But With NFL Rosters
Tom Brady’s PED Scandal, Part 4: Inner Circle
Two Things: First, A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. - Mark Twain (Incorrectly) Second, Now, the last time it even seemed worth making a unique post about Tom Brady's ongoing cheating history was way back in January 2016 after the Peyton Manning-led (but