Hi, I'm Tom Brady and I have Direct TV. And I'm Evil Tom Brady and I have cable. That I steal from my neighbor. With Direct TV I get crystal clear images from thousands of channels, any time I want. With Cable I get several dozen channels, some of which I can use
Author: Horatio Cornblower
A Psalm of Tim
I met a traveller from a land of over-priced antiques, possibly Cotuit Who said: "Two vast and trunkless arms of stone developed by years of one-armed push-ups Lie in the asphaltt . . . Near them, on the median, Half covered with graffiti, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold
ESPN At The Little League World Series
KARL RAVECH: Hi Folks, Karl Ravech here in Williamsport, PA, home of the Little League World Series, where we'll be spending the next week exploiting and psychologically damaging 12 and 13 year olds by subjecting them to the sort in intense scrutiny usually reserved for SEC football players. Except the
Preparing For And Executing Your Fantasy Draft, With Patrick Xavier Flaherty
Patrick Xavier Flaherty (third from right), is an alumni of Holy Cross University* and an expert fantasy football veteran with multiple championships to his credit**. Hey! Flats here! So you've gone and signed up for a Fantasy Football team and now you're looking for some advice on how to run it.
A Coward Dies But Once
Point of Parliamentary Procedure
Now that our little rebellious community of forsaken kommenters has grown exponentially, (pours one out for Black Friday)(ruins sneakers), we should probably set some ground rules. And since unlike 2% of you I'm an attorney, I figured I'd get us started. Back when things started to jump around here we had
Dallas Cowboys 2015
Inspired by Rikki's komment about albums in the weekend open thread. But in these days of personal music players and iTunes and what have you, who's going to play a full album? We all know the last 2-3 songs are filler. 1. Caitlin Cary "Please Don't Hurry Your Heart" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yhfd2LwlZI A little slow,
So What Did You Do For The 4th
Horatio’s No-Good, Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day
Not to turn in another article while doing so anyway but at about 8:00 pm my wife and I figured out that the weird noise coming from her car engine, which was driving our cats crazy, was a bird she had "hit" either today or yesterday, (time in our house