ESPN At The Little League World Series

KARL RAVECH:  Hi Folks, Karl Ravech here in Williamsport, PA, home of the Little League World Series, where we'll be spending the next week exploiting and psychologically damaging 12 and 13 year olds by subjecting them to the sort in intense scrutiny usually reserved for SEC football players.  Except the

A Coward Dies But Once

And Frank Gifford was no coward. Frank Gifford's latest death was this past Sunday, when natural causes caught up with him at home in Greenwich, CT at the ripe old age of 84.  For a professional football player, that's like 187.  And to get to go out in your mid-80's by

Point of Parliamentary Procedure

Now that our little rebellious community of forsaken kommenters has grown exponentially, (pours one out for Black Friday)(ruins sneakers), we should probably set some ground rules.  And since unlike 2% of you I'm an attorney, I figured I'd get us started. Back when things started to jump around here we had

Dallas Cowboys 2015

I'll be honest, I haven't felt this optimistic since I met my wife in a bar and she's had way too much to drink.  This could really be our year, and by "our" I mean that a bunch of sociopaths who happen to wear the laundry of a team I

So What Did You Do For The 4th

Well it's not over yet.  I'm watching the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, which is one of the many reasons the world hates us, after coming back from the Willimantic Boom Box Parade and drinking outside my favorite watering hole, (which again had the best float in the parade), and

I Buried My Dog Today

Yeah, if you're still reading after that I'm not apologizing for the resulting depression.  You can't say I wasn't pretty clear up front where this was going, and I need to vent. Mocha was well over 12, maybe slightly over 13.  She was a rescue dog we picked up back in

Me & A-Rod

As most of you know I root for the Yankees.  Mostly because I started following baseball in 1976 and I lived in Connecticut.  Since most of you are young I will remind you here that this was that terrible time before cable, before satellites, before ESPN and before remote controls.