Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #3 – “Snow Day”

Tonight's Episode: Snow Day It was early June and summer was in the air.  Everywhere else but here. Moose - The End Is Well Nigh had just come back inside from shoveling snow. But it was still coming down so hard that he'd never be able to get out and make it to the

TGISF…aka “Better A Nerd Than One Of The Herd” Sexy Friday Open Thread

In spite of how it might sometimes appear around here, you know at around 7pm Eastern each Friday.....   It's actually a fact that I prefer the company of a woman who is intelligent. OK Vlad, you can stop laughing any time now....I'll wait.....  jerk. But I'm actually very serious, truth be told. 

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #2 – “Baker’s Dozen”

Tonight's episode: BAKER'S DOZEN It was a fresh crisp evening in the Pacific Northwest.  The hipsters were riding their bikes to the food truck farm alongside the river while vaping their legal weed.  Off in the distance,  a distinct roar of a crowd could be heard as a piece of Tall Timber

Your “Generic” Saturday Evening Open Thread

I hope BeerGuyRob's ass is OK.  And this is a selfish proclamation.  Let me explain. Due to Rob's ass problems, this is my third open thread of the week.  And already I'm out of ideas.  I don't know how that magnificent bastard does it. I'm sitting here right now trying to figure

TGISF…aka “Wow I Almost Messed That One Up” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Some weeks ago, when the Stanley Cup Playoffs were only just getting going, there were multiple requests that I do a Hockey Girls themed Sexy Friday.  At the time, my response was something like "Yes of course we will, but we've got plenty of time yet". And now look.  Several weeks

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #1 – “Love in a Locker”

Tonight's Episode:  Love in a Locker It was a late spring / early summer day in woody Connecticut.   Schools were letting out and all the kids were happily thinking about their summer plans and emptying out their lockers.  All the old crap was tossed away into the trash receptacles of which

Your “Tiger Not Drunk After All, But Hopefully I Will Be Soon” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

Yep, no alcohol in his system.  He was just taking a "nap" in his car.  Yeah OK... you know he's getting the good pain pills for that back.  And since there was no alcohol in his system, this will now all probably go away.  That's crap.  Cops find ME passed

TGISF…aka “The Bubbles, They Tickle My…Tchaikovsky” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Sir Roger Moore died this week at the age of 89.  IMHO, he was the coolest of the Bonds. (sorry Barry, now leave me alone and get your big head outta here) ((no no, I'm just kidding....it's not noticeable at all)) Where was I....oh yeah... This week, in honor of my favorite 007, the

TGISF…aka “The Goddess Personified” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Sooooooooooooooo..... ISoG came to a rather inauspicious end this week.  And yet you still have to hear about it, apparently.  Yes, I'm a dick.   tWBS (to New Girl): Soooooo, ummmmm, Van.... New Girl:  Look, just cut to the chase.  I'm not some wilting flower you need to treat gently.  Don't try to schmooze

TGISF…aka Your “There’s Sand In My Crack, But That’s OK” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Perhaps the most timely/most accurate TGISF title I've ever penned. This week's TGISF is going to be a little bare bones maybe, depending on the Venice Beach weather the next few days.  Right now, it's cloudy and rainy outside.  Which is the only reason I'm inside right now, typing this.  When