Tell me you don't see the very face of evil in that stonewall, please tell me you don't see it! A quick jaunt aside. I don't know how I write. You call that shite writin? I usually smoke a bowl and drink a beer or seven then lean over a keypad and see


HERE THERE BE GHOSTS   Where are we going? Oh yeah,Hollywood Forever. Fun. Is that Merle Oberon? If you can't see the ghost over Johnny's right shoulder then you and I are on a different journey. It was a cool place. Legendary for it's creepiness. Hell the band, The Misfits did a live shindig right in


 When and how boredom sets in is still a bit of a hermetical mystery, but by god the weeks before football truly dies, (think the Owl) I find usually no later than Wednesday during the bye week the lethargy really starts to soil the mind and degrade the spirit. You

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: See your public land now before it gets strip-mined!

(Which is to say Senorita Weaselo dragged me upstate for the weekend, even if I drove.) First off, I would like an “I survived the Taconic State Parkway in the beginning of a snowstorm” pin. Mountain roads in the beginning of a snowstorm? I have a running bit with both Hermana

Wednesday AM Champions League Match Day 8 Open Thread


As many of you know, the UEFA Champions League has a new format this year. The field has been expanded to 36 with each team playing 8 games against 8 different teams in the competition with 4 at home and 4 on the road. The top 8 at the end

Thursday AM EuroFooty Open Thread


We have several scintillating European football/soccer games on tap for your viewing pleasure today. All times Pacific: Europa League English League One Wrexham v Birmingham As Al Michaels would say, this is a YUUGE game in Wrexham's quest to secure yet another promotion, this time into the English Championship. In their way are the runaway

Become Revolutionary: Be Decent

Donald Trump is a proven liar, fraudster, sex assaulter, top-secrets divulger, and is likely a foreign agent. This declining and feckless creep cares about nothing but his money. I’d offer my condolences to U.S. citizens, but 47 is the president of Puerto Rico too. And we don’t get to vote

Sunday Footy Finals Open Thread


We have TWO scintillating Championship games on tap for your viewing pleasure today. First up: Euro 2024 Spain v England All the English are banging on about Bringing It Home and all that shit but the Scots, Welsh, Irish, and pretty much every country that was conquered or harassed by the English

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Pre-JPP Edition

Remember, keep your fingers away from your lit fireworks tomorrow! Not that there's much to celebrate this week. Somewhere, remember, sic semper tyrannis. Granted, the state motto of Virginia was exclaimed by one John Wilkes Booth after shooting Abraham Lincoln, but the words themselves are useful! We hope? Listen, I've got some