Evening, lizard people. For this week's Wumbo Wednesday we'll do things a little differently. Namely because I have robot fights to watch even if we all knew what happened if we paid attention. As this past Saturday morning Hippo thoughts alluded to, the Premier League is back. Now, for a variety
Footy Observations – Saturday Night Thread
2022-23 Lesser Footy – Oh We Back, Y’all
Better Know a 2022-23 Premiership – Los Prediciones del Episode
It does not appear these are in precise alphabetical order, but I'mma just draft based on what popped up (PHRASING) on Google. Miscellany and team thoughts to follow: Bournemouth (2nd in C'ship 2021-22, yeah right's KREW) KH: I am fairly interested to see how these do, and/or whether Ruggedly Handsome Scott Parker
Things To Do In Baltimore When Moderately Drunk
Better Know a Random Squardon – Temperley (Saturday All Day Thread)
Saturday De-Motivational and Lesser Roll Call
The best you can hope for is to die in your sleep. - Kenny Rogers, 20th century American poet I thought. I would. Be mooooorrrre than this.. - Cloud Nothings, 21st century American poets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIitQNXVgb8 Life is a wet bag of shit. Just a matter of when it breaks, not if. And how
The Legend of (Pretend) Bernard Gilkey – Day and Night Open Thread
No doubt you remember the original. #BFIB regular, excellent defender in LF (before such was really appreciated, sadly), well-rounded offensive profile. A few Hollywood cameos, even! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsLRtId0WPk Well, he's been re-born as a Salford-native midfielder-turned-manager, thanks to Football Manager 2020. He would have stayed at Everton forever, but the Board pissed him
Baltimore Roll Call Nighty-Night Thread
Another Lousy Idea For Lousy June and Lousy 2022
Really, my brain is running out of nonsense. I ain't think that was EVAR possible. We need MOAR SPORTSBALL and we need it right soon. Previously, my pill-addled brain cavity brung forth the Shithole Countries World Cup. I still think that's a ratings winner. And fuck me sideways, would folk ever bet on