Your Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Ep 6 & 7 Recap and Open Thread

Welcome back to the Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Open Thread! As you know, we've had technical difficulties, so tonight's Open Thread captures what happened in Episode 6 and in Episode 7. Don't worry, they've REALLY milked the episodes, so we didn't miss much. *** What Happened? The Boys got their bonfire. There

Your Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Ep 5 Recap and Open Thread

Welcome back to the Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Open Thread! Let's get right to it! *** What Happened? The Boys got their bonfire. Eliminations. Threesome. Girls got a new bonfire. Yes, you read that correctly. There was a threesome. Surprise surprise, it involved Kendal and Alexcys. Let's get to it. *** Was

Sexy Friday, Belated St. Patrick’s Day edition

We didn't really have a St. Patrick's Day last year and we didn't have one again this year. Not that I'm that big a fan of drinking overpriced green beer and eating "Irish" food, but it, like Cinco De Mayo and Halloween, is an Americanized bastardization meant to get

Your Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Ep 4 Recap and Open Thread

Welcome back to the Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Open Thread! Let's get right to it! *** What Happened? Kendal boned Alexcys. That much is obvious. As to where he boned her (besides his bedroom) is unknown. However, unless he employed the rarely-used missionary-anal technique, I'm guessing it was the traditional location.