Which is to say I was recording all afternoon, then teaching makeups (for yesterday) currently so… a bit Carpentery tonight. So; what’s the news? FIRED: Trent Baalke is FINALLY out in Duuuuval. Why now and not two weeks ago? Good question. Why not two years ago? Better question! (Plausible reason: Bucs
Open Threads
Time, Indeed: Tuesday Open Thread
Y'all fucked now. It's gonna be Buffalo and Philadelphia fans in New Orleans, a town second only to Las Vegas in promoting itself as The Home of Excess. Hide your daughters, hide your folding tables, grease up your lightpoles: it's gonna get weird. Seriously. The Bills are succeeding even when they are
Clash of the Titans-Your Ravens/Bills Thread
Apparently it's going to be a chilly one today in Buffalo-she's supposed to be around -12 Celsius. For you Los Angelenos, that's around the temperature that your lavender and roasted pistachio gelato served up by Epiphany ("such a nice smile!") should be at. To The Game! Ravens/Bills: -This is the game that Henry
Searching For Inner Excellence-A Rams/Eagles Game Thread
Two Feel Good Stories-Who Ya Got? An Open Thread
Your Texans/Chiefs Divisional Round Playoff Game Thread
Placeholder Saturday Thread
What's new in the world, one might ask. Not fuck shit, one might answer. Appreciate this last weekend of both (i) full FITBAW schedule; and (ii) liberal democracy. Hey, there's a better than 50/50 shot prong (i) will at least come around again. Depends on when the shooting wars start, I reckon. Presumably,
Sexy Friday – 20250117
TGIF! We have three glorious days of footed ball ahead of us, so let's get to it. Survival - Personal Edition Let's talk about purifying water in the wilderness. There are four methods: filter, chemical, distillation, and boiling. Filtering This is a general first step and should be used on any source of
A Thursday Evening Open Thread
Another Thursday, another football-less night. May as well start getting accustomed. Damn: What can you say about a guy that gave the world of entertainment Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks? I recall walking out of the movie theatre after seeing the former-my buddy and I retired to a patio and just didn't
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Out Getting Tires
Down, Down and Drowned: Tuesday Open Thread
NOTE: Sorry for the abbreviated post. The Young Deacon Mayhem took sick. Playoff Football Fever: Catch It! Then Spend Several Days In Bed, Praying For The Sweet Release of Playoff Football Death! Out of respect for our Bronco fan contingent, I will refrain from excessive celebration of Sunday's comprehensive second-half throatstomping by
Round Six: Your Vikes/Rams Open Thread
Welcome to Glendale, Arizona-home of the Arrowhead Town Center shopping mall! (seriously, that's the third sentence in their wiki bio) Guh... Fallout: -They're expected to fall to Detroit next week (as almost all have) but there's more good news for Washington-the amount of cap space they're expected to have this offseason? A