Another Year, Another FA Cup Weekend

Upon popular request (wait, is Spam popular???) I had intended to do a longer piece explaining some of Lesser Footy's HippoSPEEK.  But I had too much stupid work to do this week, and my mind is forked beyond recognition.  Hate week, though.  I do have time and hate in my heart

Thursday Morning Roast – EFL League 1

It's that time again, Imaginary Internet Friends. Y'all seemed to enjoy the hate-hate-hate for Championship crests, so here we are back again for a trip through League One. For those of you who don't follow Lesser Footy, League One is a step down from the Championship. There are more teams,

Hope Clicks Eternal – The Wildcard Round

Before I go onto the seething that emerged this weekend, allow me to reflect back on what occured while I was enjoying Christmas break Wildcard weekend, brought to you by my friends at makers of    and The Wildcard weekend did not disappoint. It started with Andy Reid remembering in the second half that he