Boots On The Ground: Actual Live Sports!

Ever since the Coronavirus unleashed its plan to colonize our bodies with weapons-grade cooties, the world had been denied the joys of attending live sporting events. Contrarianism, a lack of respect for expertise, and an absence of basic empathy have concocted a heady brew that continues to make attending sports

Marble League Rolldown: Events 10 & 11

It's a battle throughout the standings as we've crossed the midpoint. After this article, there will be 5 events left at Marble League 2020. Combine that with the return of Marbula E (Mercedes was running away after the first 3 races; sponsors Envision Virgin Racing were stuck in neutral) and

Marble League Rolldown: Events 8 & 9

We return to the Andromedome and to the Rolldown, as we get to the midpoint of the season's biggest competition that won't get stopped by the Miami goddamn Marlins. The last time we were here, records were falling left and right. The hurdles had the record continuously get lowered, and the

Marble League Rolldown: Events 6 & 7

We return to the Rolldown, described by someone on the Jelle's Marble Runs subreddit as "Comprehensive. To the max." This week another two events were on the schedule as we watched to see whether another team wanted to join the Minty Maniacs, O'rangers, and Crazy Cat's Eyes in the upper

Senor’s Marble League Rolldown: Event 3

Welcome back to the Rolldown. With two events complete, Balancing and Halfpipe, we move to the first individual event of the competition, the Funnel Endurance. The question is, will it follow form? And of following form, will a third different team take gold, or will the O'rangers or Minty Maniacs

Senor’s Marble League Rolldown: The Games Begin! (ML2020 Opening Ceremony & Event 1)

Yes, we made it. We're not all dead yet and can experience the gravitas, the splendor, the magnificence that is the pinnacle of marble sports. Marble League 2020, from the Andromedome. To lead it off, the opening ceremonies, with King Stardust, and the primary members of the JMR Staff and Committee

Boots On The Ground: Friday Night Smackdown

Despite my recent absence from the site, life goes on. And one of the things that was on my agenda despite all the horribleness was having tickets to the Valentine's Day taping of "Friday Night Smackdown". The date itself wasn't a problem for WineWife. She hates Valentine's Day, and any attempt