I know a bunch of us are old farts and remember fondly the days when television programs featured scantily clad women showing cleavage plus a healthy amount of sexual innuendo just to draw in the male viewers. This happened with Three's Company WKRP in Cincinnati Charlie's Angels Fantasy Island The Love Boat and, of course, the
The Sketch of Tomlin Braday
Book Cluster
Scene [clutches "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" tightly against chest while lightly sniffling in foetal position in empty bathtub] Oh hi. I didn't hear you come in. Stress. STRESS! Everyone is taught that they experience it to varying degrees in all facets of their life (work, relationships, body
NFL and Microsoft Get Hot and Heavy
Three years back Microsoft and the NFL inked a 400 Million dollar, 5-year deal for the NFL's interactive TV rights. While this agreement helped get Microsoft Surface Pros on the sidelines; inept play-by-play announcers continued to call them I-Pads on national TV. This year Microsoft are giving coaches the new Surface Pro
Duchess’ Arbitrary Debate Awards
If you made it through the debate without, as 5Chan would say, "An heroing". Congrats! Now for some made up rewards. Best Impression of the Factory of Sadness Three-way tie - Jeb Bush was flat, Rand Paul lacks the weird charisma his father has, and Chris Christie... can a New York/New Jersey politician run on